Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)

The ESP discipline covers the ways the mind can receive information beyond the senses. Wisdom is the attribute which modifies ESP rolls.

ESP effects are intuitive in nature, and not blocked by barriers the way many magical divinations are. Otherwise, treat ESP effects as divinations for determining how they interact with other effects. Treat ESP effects which allow a psionist to gain information from a distance, such as Clairsentience, as scrying effects.

1 Magnetic Awareness, Radial Navigation, Intuition
2 Location Awareness, Threat Awareness, Insight
3 Accuracy, Ownership Detection, Observant
4 Knoweldge Osmosis, Caution Sense, Transpose Sense
5 Path Sensitivity, Perspective
6 Observation Awareness, Replace Sense
7 Clairsentience, Aura Sense
8 Extra-Planar Senses, Cognition
9 Analysis, Prophecy
10 Reasoning, True Senses

Magnetic Awareness
This power allows the psionist to know which way north is. It functions exactly like the skill Intuit Direction. If the psionist has the Intuit Direction skill, they may add their ESP Rank to those skill rolls, or add their Rank in Intuit Direction to Magnetic Awareness rolls.

Radial Navigation
ESP 1, Drain 0, Maintained
The psionist is always able to navigate about relative to where they were at any point. If they knew which way north was at some point in their journey, then they can use this power to figure out which way north is now. Checks are made when the accuracy of the Radial Navigation is important.

The psionist has strong and usually-accurate instincts, granting them a situation bonus equal to their Rank (or 5 times their Rank for percentile checks) to guesses and other rolls where intuition would be helpful, such as fighting invisible creatures.

Location Awareness
ESP 2, Drain 1
Using this power the psionist learns the local and relative position of their present location. When making a check, consult the DC to determine how much information is gained.

DC 10 - The relative position (where on the globe) of the location
DC 15 - The local name of the place
DC 20 - Brief features of the landscape
DC 25 - Other names for the place
DC 30 - What authority rules over the current location
Apply familiarity modifiers for these situations.

Threat Awareness
ESP 2, Drain 0, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist can have the DM make a psionic power check to determine if they are aware of dangers lurking about in the immediate area. This power is used either against a DC of 15 minus the CR of the danger. If the psionist suceeds by 10 more than is needed, they gain a general idea of where the danger is, and by 20 or more also tells them what the danger is from.

This ability allows the psionist to add their Rank as a situation bonus to Sense Motive rolls and their Initiative modifier.

ESP 3, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to sense the vulnerable spots of their targets. Add a +1 bonus per three Ranks (maximum 5) to all attack, as well as damage rolls to targets within 30 feet.

Ownership Detection
ESP 3, Drain 1, Range Touch
The psionist can pick up on who has owned a given object. The higher the roll, the more information is gained about an owner.

DC 5 - Race
DC 10 - Description
DC 15 - Occupation
DC 20 - Name
DC 25 - Alignment
The psionist gains the above information for one former owner per three Ranks, beginning with the most recent. Alternatively, they may use this power to gain information on one specific person, provided that pre-determined person has possessed the item. Apply familiarity modifiers (for subject who is being detected, not the item) in this situtation.

The psionist has trained their self to look harder and deeper at any situation, considering more possibilities than a normal person. When making any physical sensory roll (such as Listen, Search, or Spot), they add their Rank to the roll.

Knoweldge Osmosis
ESP 4, Drain 1, Range 25
Using their intense powers of observation, a psionist may instantly gain knowledge on an observable subject. The DC is based on how long it would take to study the subject normally.

DC 5 - Brooms, spoons, shovels, pots
DC 10 - Fruit, notes
DC 15 - Living plants, charts, letters
DC 20 - Simple beings, maps
DC 25 - Human being, chapter of a book, combination lock
DC 30 - Complicated beings, artwork, puzzle lock
DC +5 - Supernatural subject
The psionist gains a +5 cumulative situation bonus to further rolls to study an object and a +5 cumulative bonus to any rolls relating to what they know about the subject. Only knowledge that can normally be gained through observation can be gained with this power.

Caution Sense
ESP 4, Drain 1, Maintained
A more-refined form of Threat Awareness, this power allows the psionist to avoid danger with every step. All traps, from dropping floors or landmines, can be avoided with no concentration at all. This power unconsciously guides the psionist, keeping them out of danger, but not telling them exactly what they are avoiding or what would happen if they did not follow their instincts. They can choose to take the danger anyway, if desired, but gain a +1 per Rank knowledge bonus to any saving throws if they do so (because they know it is coming). This power also grants the psionist a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saving throws per two Ranks (maximum 5). Only dangers within 250 feet of the psionist are affected by this power.

Transpose Sense
ESP 4, Drain 1, Maintained
This bizarre power allows the psionist to change the type of sensory input one sense grants for that of another. For example, the psionist could switch hearing and sight, so they hear everything they are looking at, and see everything they can normally hear. Or they could smell things which they touch, and only feel things they can smell. There are several combinations, many of which are strange to say the least, but nonetheless Transpose Senses provides the psionist with a powerful arsenal of sensory options. The roll plus 10 determines the maximum rolls possible using the transposed senses.

Path Sensitivity
ESP 5, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist may use this power to find their way to a place, object, or being. This ability determines either the quickest path, shortest path, or easiest path (user's choice). The psionist always has a general percentile gauge of how much farther they need to travel to reach their destination. Checks are made whenever the psionist encounters a fork in the path, changes their method of travel, or changes what route they want to take.
Places may be fairly general, such as "15 miles along this river", or as specific as "the king's fortress", providing the psionist can properly visualize said fortress. The DC is equal to the number of miles to a place, rounded up.
Objects and creatures require that a psionist can properly visualize what type they are looking for. Unique objects or creatures may be located, but require the user to have experienced the object first. The DC to locate a subject is 20, modified for your familarity with the subject. Add 5 for every mile to the subject, and subject 5 if you have a piece of the subject on hand while making a check.
Apply familiarity modifiers based on the subject of this power.

ESP 6, Drain 1
Even in tense, emotional situations, the psionist can calm their mind and gain a new perspective on the situation. This perspective may be objective, pessimistic, or optimistic, as the psionist desires. Objective perspectives give the psionist a chance of success sort of answer. Pessimistic or optimistic perspectives remind the psionist of something negative or positive, respectively. This power may only be used once per given situation. The DC is determined by how hard it would be to come up with the perspective without this power:

DC 10 - Common thought
DC 20 - Obscure thought
DC 30 - Different thought
DC 40 - Foreign thought

Observation Awareness
ESP 6, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist is very aware when they are being observed by sentient beings. Causal glances or overheard conversations do not count as observation, but scrutinizing stares or eavesdropping does. Mindlinks, Sensory Links, and scrying all may be detected with this power. The DM makes this roll. Threat Awareness is activated before this power is.

DC 10 - Where the observer is
DC 15 - How the observer is observing (listening, watching, etc)
DC 20 - What race the observer is
DC 25 - What class the observer is
DC 30 - Who the observer is
DC 35 - Why the observer is observing
Only supernatural stealth offers any protection for an observer from detection. This check becomes an opposed roll in this case. If the psionist wins, subtract the observer's roll from the psionist's, add 10, and consult the DC chart to determine what the psionist figures out.

Replace Sense
ESP 6, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist can completely trust their feelings and instincts to take over for one of their senses. Senses gained in this way are all around, and rely on a sixth sense, providing results similar to Blindsight or Tremorsense, but without the use of sensory organs of any kind. The roll plus 10 determines the maximum rolls possible using that given replaced sense.

ESP 7, Drain 1, Maintained, Range Unlimited
Psionists may gain sensory input from places other than their current location. Full sensory input is gained just as if the psionist were at the locale. The additional sensations are added on top of the psionist's own current sensations, so this power is best used in non-distracting environments. Any rolls not related to observation or psionics related to the observation suffer a -4 penalty. Other effects based on gaining information through the senses may be used normally through a Clairsentience. The roll determines the maximum rolls possible when used through this power.
The base DC for this power is 20, modified for the psionist's familairity with the location. Specific subjects may be targeted, but the psionist suffers their base mental AC as a penalty to the roll, do not add factor in familarity, but do add in their Scry ranks.

Aura Sense
ESP 7, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
This power allows the psionist to sense the auras of others. They may sense the alignment, character level, or class level of one subject once each round. The DC for this effect is the mental AC of the target.

Extra-Planar Senses
ESP 8, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist may extend their senses onto another plane of existence. The sensory information granted is of the coorisponding area on the other plane. The psionist may shift their focus between the other plane and their current plane at will, but suffer a -4 to any sensory rolls that must be made relating to the other plane. Any checks made based on the sensory information from the other plane grant success only up to the power roll.

ESP 8, Drain 1, Range 1 day
This power allows the psionist to experience an event of some significance in the past. The entire event is experienced from start to finish, but details are based on the quality of the roll. The psionist is unable to act for one round while this experience comes to them. The psionist may experience up to their Rank in the last events, so a Rank 10 psionist may experience any one of the last 10 experiences in an area. Cognitions are made based on where the psionist is currently, although Clairsentience may change this place. Any checks made based on the experience grant success only up to the power roll.

ESP 9, Drain 2, Range 25
Analysis allows a psionist to determine what an item does, and how to make it do that. The DC is based on the number of functions to an item, starting at 15 and adding 10 for each additional function. Only intended functions and activation sequences may be determined with Analysis. Function knowledge is gained starting with the primary function and going down, using the lowest power function in the case of ties.

ESP 9, Drain 2, Range 1 day
The psionist can see into the future, experiencing an event of some significance soon to come. The psionist is unable to act for one round while this experience comes to them. The psionist may alternatively experience an event through a trance, in which case the range is 1 month, or through a dream for a range of one year. The psionist may seek out a specific type of event to experience, such as the next conflict in their life, or their next love interest. Any checks made based on the experience are limited to the result of the power roll.

ESP 10, Drain 2
Reasoning allows the psionist to deductively or inductively derive an answer to a question. Deductive answers let the psionist how what the next step is, while inductive answers tell the psionist what steps let up to now. The base DC for Reasoning is 20, with higher rolls granting better information. Apply situation modifiers based on the amount of information known.

True Senses
ESP 10, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist may use this power to ignore any falsehoods or disguises they experience. This functions as a True Seeing spell.