Psionic Feats
Closed Mind (special)
Psychic Rank 1+, Wis 13+
This character's mind is more tightly guarded, and hence less vulnerable telepathic attack. Add a bonus to their their mental AC equal to their character level.
Convergence (special)
Psychic Rank 9+, Telepathy Rank 1+
Convergence allows the psionist to become linked with other psionists with Convergence. Each psionist in the Convergence then has access to the other psionist's psionic powers, just as if they had the powers themselves. Additionally, all characters in the Convergence have Mindlink and Empathy with each other, allowing them to act very efficiently as a group. Drain and Strain is distributed throughout the converged psionists, as decided by the one who caused the Drain. It takes one full round action to enter a Convergence. Psionists in a Convergence must stay within 10 feet of each other, else they leave the Convergence and lose their additional powers.
Craft Teacher (item creation)
Psychic Rank 5+
The psionist is able to create Teacher psionic items.
Internal Dialogue (special)
Psychic Rank 1+
The psionist may use this Feat to take a Refocus action to take a time-out, giving themselves time to think before they act. Not only do they gain the effect of a Refocus action, but they also automatically negate any confusion or chaos effects currently in effect on themself. Internal Dialogues may also be used for the player/character to have a brief discussion with themself or consult their notes without having to take a delay action.
Magnify (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 5+, Wis 15+
The psionist use a single psionic power as if they had one or more Ranks than normal. This number of additional Ranks may anything up to the psionist's Rank in the Discipline of the power being magnified, so if they were Rank 6, they could make their power work as if it was Rank 12. The power causes additional Drain equal to the added Rank bonus.
Patience (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 5+, Wis 13+
The psionist may spend a full action to take a 10 on a psionic power, adding 2 points to the Drain when doing so. Additionally, the psionist may take 20 times the normal activation time to take a 20 on a psionic power, adding 4 points to the Drain when doing so. Most psionic powers are activated with a moment of effort, so 20 times that is usually one minute in length rather than the usual two minutes.
Photographic Memory (special)
Psychic Rank 1+, Int 17+
The psionist is able to recall any event they experienced with amazing detail. An Intelligence roll governs how well they recall information about a given event, but they will always recall something, even if it is trivial.
Preparation (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 3+
The psionist may take a full action when activating a power to reduce the Drain by 1.
Psychic Stability (special)
Add three to the character's Psychic Threshold.
Receptacle (special)
Psychic Rank 5+
Receptacles are psionic batteries, allowing the psionist to place mental energy in preparation for later need. The psionist may have only one receptacle at a time, which is a gemstone of some sort. The receptacle may store an amount of Drain restoration equal to the psionist's level or its listed value in gold divided by 25, whichever is lower. Powering up a receptacle inflicts Drain on the psionist. Recovering Drain using a Receptacle is a standard action.
Reflex (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 3+, Dex 15+
This allows a psionist to utilize a psionic power at a moment's notice as a Free Action. It is possible to use a Reflex psionic power and then use another psionic power in the same round. The psionist adds 3 to the Drain from the power.
Sheer Will (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 1+, Wis 13+
The psionist may ignore all penalties for missing activation components of psionic powers (usually somatic components), but suffers 1 additional point of Drain for each component ignored in this manner.
State of Mind (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 5+, Concentration Rank 8+, Wis 15+
State of Mind allows a psionist to maintain a power indefinitely, without Strain, even while sleeping. The psionist suffers double the normal Drain. No other psionic powers may be maintained while a State of Mind is active. Activating a State of Mind power takes 10 times longer than normal.
Stretch (metapsionic)
Psychic Rank 1+
The psionist may multiply the range on any psionic power by any amount up to their Rank in that discipline, but suffers that same amount as additional Drain.