Psionics is a discipling of the mind, body, and spirit which allows one to tap their inner energy to affect the world. They can maximize the potential of their body, gain information they should have no way of knowing about, change their environment with a thought, and even change the way others think. Psionists serve as scouts, investigators, councellors, prophets, diplomats, translators, and sages, but some psionists focus on combat, acting as elite attack troops in places where a wizard would be too frail. Some characters multi-class into psionics to augment their primary class abilities. Multi-class fighters/psionists or rogue/psionists are fairly common amongst the ranks of Psionists.
Class Features:
Alilities: Psionists do well to have a high score in the ability which is linked to their primary Discipline. Having a good Wisdom also helps out all Psionists, as it aids in their information gathering skills, mental AC (indirectly), and Psionic Threshold. Dexterity is also helpful, since Psionists usually wear only light armor. Constitution and Intelligence are also useful to a psionist because both add to the character's Psionic Threshold in addition to their regular benefits.
Alignment: Any lawful
Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentrate (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (psionics)(Int), Language (any except secret), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)
Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at each additional level: 2 + Int modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All light armor and simple weapons
Base Attack Bonus and Saving Throws: As Druid
Psionists may take any language as a Bonus Language.
Discipline Ranks: Psionists gain 1 Discipline Rank at every level. No Discipline may ever have a Rank which exceeds a psionist's level.
Psionic Threshold: Psionists add 1 to their Psionic Threshold at each level.
Bonus Psionics: At every level evenly dividible by 3 (3rd, 6th, etc), psionists gain either a +1 Discipline Rank or one Psionic Feat, in addition to all other bonuses for gaining a level.
If a Psionists's alignment shifts from lawful, they may not utilize any of their psionic powers, as psionics require the mind to be ordered and very self-aware. They cannot advance in Psionist levels until they return to a lawful alignment.