
This discipline involves manipulating the physical world through acts of will. Intelligence modifiers apply to all rolls for Psychokinesis.

Most psychokinetic effects are treated as force effects for purposes of how they interact with other effects. They are never blocked by any barrier, so a psionist may use Telekinesis while inside a Wall of Force, for example. Telekinetic extend onto the Ethereal Plane, so incorporeal beings are effected by them.

1 Telekinesis, Enhancement
2 Shield
3 Multikinesis
4 Strike, Magnetic Manipulation
5 Macrokinesis, Contrapposto
6 Levitation, Energy Manipulation
7 Gravitational Relativism, Momentum Manipulation
8 Gravitational Manipulation, Energy Dissipation
9 Energy Blast, Momentum Dissipation
10 Field

Psychokinesis 1, Drain 0, Maintained, Range 25
The original mind-over-matter power. With Telekinesis, you can manipulate the world with just your mind. You may use Telekinesis to perform any physical act that can be done with one hand, except those involving a fist or crushing. Telekinesis is not normally effected by how hard an object is to pick up (i.e. if it is slippery, or you have no leverage on it), although damage may be caused if an object is picked up by a vulnerable point. When using Telekinesis for physical acts, use your Intelligence in place of whatever other attribute is normally used, but still use your normal Skills to perform the roll (i.e. an attack made using Telekinesis uses your Base Attack Modifier, modified by Intelligence). Actions which involve a lot of fine manipulations or multiple fingers, such as picking a lock or typing, may be carried out, but with a -4 penalty. Normal unarmed attacks cannot be performed using Telekinesis, although you can try to make a disarm, trip, or any other unarmed attack which does not require solid force. Typically, these attacks will not invoke attacks of opportunity, nor permit the target a chance to trip or disarm their attacker. Telekinetic force is invisible, and so you gain the bonuses for being invisible when making attacks with just telekinetic force. Telekinesis requires as much concentration as whatever act you are performing normally requires. Objects may be moved up to 4 times the Range in one round, and may not exceed 10 times the Range of the power. Uses of objects with telekinesis, such as sword-fighting at a distance, suffer the Range as a penalty to the roll.

Psychokinesis 1, Drain 0, Maintained
The psionist has learned how to use Telekinesis to guide their own actions. Enhancement allows the psionist to use their Intelligence modifier in place of either their Strength and/or Dexterity for all physical actions rolls if it is a higher bonus than that provided by the attribute. For example, a character with a +4 modifier for Strength, +2 for Dexterity, and +3 for Intelligence who used this power would apply a +3 in place of Dexterity, but simply use their standard Strength modifier of +4.

Psychokinesis 2, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist has developed a low-power personal force field around themselves, effectively increasing their AC. For every 2 Ranks the psionist adds 1 additional point to their AC as wel as their Reflex saving throw, with a maximum of 5 each.

Psychokinesis 3
The psionist has learned to channel their Telekinetic energies in multiple directions at once. For every Rank the psionist may use Telekinesis on a different subject simultaneously. Treat each Telekinesis as its own effect, except that multiple Telekinesis effects can be activated in one action with a -2 penalty to each. The psionist may manipulate multiple Telekinesis effects simultaneously. They may use more than one weapon at once with Telekinesis, but suffer a -6 penalty to each. Multikinesis also allows the psionist to perform actions requiring fine manipulations or multiple fingers using Telekinesis without a penalty. Multikinesis is an added ability to Telekinesis, and is treated as Telekinesis for all purposes.

Psychokinesis 4, Drain 1, Range 25
Strike is a powerful display of telekinetic power. With Strike ,the psionist wills force to strike a target, causing it damage. The damage may be bludgeoning, tearing, crushing, snapping, shearing, or any other type of physical force, as decided when this power is used. Strike deals 1d6 permanent damage for every 2 Ranks (maximum 5d6). Strike uses the psionist's Rank in Psychokinesis in place of a base attack, and is treated as an invisible attacker.

Magnetic Manipulation
Psychokinesis 4, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist has begun to extend their control over reality into fundemental forces. They may cause metallic objects to attact or repel other metallic objects as a magnet does. Objects can move some portion of their mass magnetically, either by moving smaller items to it or by moving itself towards larger items. The strength of the magnetic force is equal to 10% per level, so a 50 pound iron anvil made magnetic by this power at Rank 7 has 35 pounds of magnetic force. Each 5 feet from a magnetized object reduces the force by 10%. If this power is maintained on an object for one round per 10% of magnetic force, the object remains permanetly magnetic after maintenance stops. The force of the magnetism, however, is halved (maximum of 5% per Rank).

Psychokinesis 5
At this point the psionist has learned to use Telekinesis on areas larger than just a hand. Macrokinesis allows the psionist to manipulate areas of up to their physical size, plus 25% for every three Ranks. Additionally, Macrokniesis allows the user to make a telekinetic fist, or crush something, allowing for grappling and normal unarmed attacks. Typically, Macrokinesis can be used to lift a pile of dirt, or to hold a person in place (via a grappling attack). Macrokinesis is an added ability to Telekinesis, and is treated as Telekinesis for all purposes.

Psychokinesis 5, Drain 1, Maintained
Contrapposto allows the psionist to change their center of gravity as a free action; in other words, the psionist can move where the weight of their body is. Were they hanging on a ledge, they can shift their center of gravity to their hand, so the rest of their body is near weightless and they can pull themselves up. The psionist gains a modifier to all of their physical rolls (including attack rolls, damage rolls, and Reflex saves) of +1 per 3 Ranks.

Gravitational Relavitism
Psychokinesis 6, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to change the direction and force gravity places on them, allowing them to fall against a wall, or fall up, or be lighter. Items on the psionist are effected, but become uneffected once they leave their person. The psionist may reduce or increase their weight by 10% for every Rank. For a psionist to make their weight 0 means they are near weightless, and making their weight negative means they are falling in the opposite direction that gravity is effecting them and that they weigh a reduced percentage of their normal weight. Damage from a fall is reduced by the reduced percentage of weight, so if the psionist weighs 20% of normal, then they only take 20% of the normal damage. This power may be altered while maintained as a move-equilivant action.

Energy Manipulation
Psychokinesis 6, Drain 2, Range 25
Using their influcence over energy, the psionist can add to or remove from the power of a given energy field. For every three Ranks a psionist may either add or subtract one level to the effective level (or Rank) of another energy effect. Hence, if an energy spell is being cast at 7th level and the psionist is Rank 12, they may add +4 to the level of that spell, making its effect as if it were 11th level, or subtract 4, treating it as if it were 3rd level.

Psychokinesis 7, Drain 2, Maintained
The psionist has learned to use their impressive psionic powers to move their body using only their mind. They can fly as per the Fly spell.

Momentum Maniulation
Psychokinesis 7, Drain 1, Range 25
The psionist now has influence over the momentum carried by objects, and can either make them strike harder or strike softer despite actual increases in speed or mass. They may add or subtract 10% per Rank to the momentum of a subject. For weapons, this increases or decreases the damage dealt (rounded down). Extra momentum lasts as long as normal momentum would last. Momentum may be added to or subtracted from a stationary object, but the effect wears off at after one round (so you may not stack up momentum on a stationary object).

Gravitational Manipulation
Psychokinesis 8, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
This power is a ranged from of Gravitational Relavitism, allowing the psionist to change the way gravity effects others. It otherwise functions exactly like Gravitational Relavitism. The psionist must make a roll equal to 10 plus the target's Reflex save modifier for this ability to be effective.

Energy Dissipation
Psychokinesis 8, Drain 2, Maintained
This power ability allows the psionist to dissipate the energy of incoming attacks, causing them to deal less damage. For every Rank, reduce the damage dealt by energy attacks by 1 point. Attacks which deal damage in momentum ways (such as a sword strike) are inaffected.

Energy Blast
Psychokinesis 9, Drain 2, Range 25
With their mastery of energy, the psionist can summon and channel raw energy to strike their foes. The psionist may strike with a beam of energy dealing 1d6 points of damage per Rank. This energy may be of any type the psionist wishes, and only effects one target. Energy Blast uses the psionist's Rank in Psychokinesis in place of normal attack modifiers. The target may make a Reflex save for half damage.

Momentum Dissipation
Psychokinesis 9, Drain 2, Maintained
This power ability allows the psionist to reduce the momentum of incoming objects, causing them to deal lesss damage. For every 2 Ranks, reduce the damage dealt by physical strikes by 1 point. Attacks which deal damage in non-momentum ways (such as a Fireball) are inaffected.

Psychokinesis 10, Drain 3, Maintained, Range 25
Using their macrokinetic abilities, the psionist can create a continous field of invisible static force, as per the the Wall of Force spell.