
This discipline handles all the ways the mind can influence the body. Constitution modifiers apply to this discipline.

Treat psychometabolism effects as extraordinary abilities for purposes of how other effects interact with them. Generally, this means that other effects have no effect on psychometabolism powers -- unless, of course, they are able to affect psionic powers in general.

1 Resistance, Immunity, Nerve Pinch, Slow Metabolism
2 Satisfy Need, Heighten Senses
3 Reinforce, Recovery
4 Enhanced Healing, Adaption
5 Adrenalin Surge
6 Accelerate, Size Relativism
7 Regeneration, Appearence Relativism
8 Blending
9 Complete Healing
10 Shapeshift

Psychometabolism 1
This power represents the psionist's ability to overcome physical punishment with mental discipline. The psionist use their Rank in place of their normal saving throw modifier. Additionally, the psionist is allowed to take on point ot Drain to gain a saving throw against effects which usually do not grant a saving throw.

Psychometabolism 1
The psionist's control over their body is so great that they may simply ignore many harmful effects. Based on their Rank, the psionist gains specific immunities:

1 - Cravings 2 - Bleeding 3 - Pain, Fatigue 4 - Hunger, Thirst 5 - Disease 6 - Toxins 7 - Stunning, Paralysis 8 - Level Drain 9 - Aging 10 - Death Magic

Nerve Pinch
Psychometabolism 1, Drain 1, Range Touch
The psionist knows the body well, and knows it's weaknesses. They may make a normal touch attack for 1d4 subdual damage, +1 per Rank, with 18-20 x3 critical.

Slow Metabolism
Psychometabolism 1, Drain 0, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to place their body in a state of suspended animation during which they do not need sustenance and age at 1% of the normal rate. In such a state the psionist is completely helpless, and appears to be dead to all but the most through scrutining. Make an opposed roll to determine whether an observer can tell if the psionist is alive or not.

Satisfy Need
Psychometabolism 2
This power allows the psionist to satisfy their daily requirement for food, water, or any other non-supernatural need/craving. Every time the psionist would normally be required to fill a need, they may take a point of Drain instead and have the need psionically satisfied.

Heighten Senses
Psychometabolism 2, Drain 1, Maintained
Using this power the psionist boosts their own senses. Their sense of taste is great enough that they can tell what something tastes like by scent alone. Their sense of touch increases to the point that they may read the words on a sheet of inked parchment. The psionist's hearing range is doubled, and they may hear effects outside the normal range for human hearing. The psionist gains low-light vision, darkvision if they already have low-light vision, or darkvision at double rate if they already have darkvision. Finally, they grain the Scent feat as outlined in the DMG. Rolls based off of all of these abilities are limited to the power roll of this power, so that if the power roll was a 12 and an attack based on darkvision from thsi power rolled a 15, the result would become 12 instead.

Psychometabolism 3, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist can use their mind to make their body more durable. They gain a bonus to their AC and to unarmed attack damage equal to half their Rank (maximum of 5). Additionally, they may deal permanent damage with unarmed attacks, if so desired.

Psychometabolism 3, Drain 1
Recovery allows the psionist to shake off subdual damage at an amazing rate. Each use of this power heals 1d8 plus their Rank in subdual damage.

Enhanced Healing
Psychometabolism 4
Using the power of their mind, the psionist can speed up the healing process. The psionist adds their Rank to the number of hit points recovered in a day. They also add their Rank to the amount of subdual damage they recover from in a given period. Healing checks made on the psionist receive a bonus equal to the psionist's Rank. Cure spells cure an additional number of hit points equal to the psionist's Rank.

Psychometabolism 4, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to alter their body to become better resistant to environmental and energy damaging effects. The psionst ignores 1 point of damage per Rank from a given environmental or energy source. The source being adapted to may change from one round to the next as a move-equlivant action, and is decided before the user takes damage from continual damaging effects.

Adrenalin Surge
Psychometabolism 5, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist can harness their supply of natural adrenalin to summon additional power from their body. The psionist gains a +1 per Rank bonus to divide amongst Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. No more than 6 points can go into any one attribute. Adrenalin Surge is very taxing on the user: at the end of this effect the psionist takes an amount of subdual damage equal to the number of rounds they were using Adrenalin Surge.

Psychometabolism 6, Drain 2, Maintained
Accelerate allows a psionist to speed up their reflexes, gaining extra advantages in combat. They gain add 1 point their AC, Initiative, and Reflex saves for every two Ranks (maximum 5), and gain one extra partial action each round. Additionally, they may move and jump 10% farther for each two Ranks. Accelerate is very taxing on the user: once it is deactivated, the psionist takes an amount of subdual damage equal to the number of rounds they were using Accelerate.

Size Relativism
Psychometabolism 6, Drain 1, Maintained
Use of this power allows the psionist to alter their size and mass as a free action. Each 5 Ranks allows the psionist to increase or decrease their size by up to one category. Mass may also be altered in this manner, and may fluctuate as much as the size in either direction (so you could make yourself bigger and weigh less at the same time). The psionist may change their size once per round as a move-equlivant action.

Psychometabolism 7
By this point the psionist has mastered their body well enough to heal themself. A psionist may heal a maximum amount of damage in a day equal to their Constitution bonus times their Rank. The healing takes one minute per point being healed, and begins as soon as damage is taken. Missing limbs may be regrown with this power.

Appearence Relativism
Psychometabolism 7, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to change their physical characteristics. They must maintain a form similar to their current form (i.e. humanoid-shaped psionists must remain humanoid-shaped), and size may only fluctuate within their Size category, but otherwise the psionist may alter the way they look, smell, sound, or even taste and texture. Items on the character are uneffected. This power does not grant the psionist any special skills for mimicing precise appearences, such as an exact disguise as another person, but does make such use of another skill easier, granting a +10 situation bonus. The psionist may change their appearence once per round as a move-equlivant action.

Psychometabolism 8, Drain 1, Maintained
Using their mastery over their own appearence the psionist can blend into the background of an area, giving them near-perfect adaptable camouflage. The camoflague is very throughout, even changing the psionist's scent. They gain a bonus to all Hide checks equal to twice their Rank. The DC for Blending varies based on the psionist's surroundings:

DC 10 - Simple and static background; a wall
DC 15 - Simple and dynamic background; a jungle
DC 20 - Complex and static background; a painting
DC 25 - Complex and dynamic background; a crowd of people
DC 30 - Open space
The blending loses one point of effectiveness (bonus to Hide checks) for every point short a psionist is from being able to blend into their background, but never suffer a negative modifier.

Complete Healing
Psychometabolism 9, Drain 4
Complete Healing allows the psionist to enter a day-long catatonic state during which they heal at an amazing rate. They are completely helpless and unaware during this catatonic state, and gain the benefits of the Suspended Animation power (see above). All damage, disease, toxins, lost limbs, insanities, lost levels, or other ailments are completely cured at the end of the Complete Healing. All Drain is also removed, except fo the Drain caused by the Complete Healing.

Psychometabolism 10, Drain 2, Maintained
Shapeshift grants the psionist broad control over their own form, allowing them to become pretty much anything they imagine. The size of what they become is limited to their own size, plus or minus one category for every 5 Ranks. If the psionist becomes a creature, they gain the natural abilities of that creature. Mental abilities are never gained nor lost with Shapeshift. Physical attributes may each be altered by 1 point for each 5 Ranks with this power. The psionist may change their form once per round as a move-equlivant action.