
Psychoportation is all about how the psionist can affect the fabric of space and time with the power of their mind. Dexterity modifiers apply to this discipline.

All psychoportation powers are extra-dimensional effects, even those which do not cause beings to move position. Those which require an opposed roll against the target's Reflex modifier are treated as rays for purposes of how they interact with other effects, even though there is no attack roll and no visible effect.

1 Temporal Awareness, Anchor, Lock, Warp
2 Pocket, Withdraw, Suspension
3 Screen, Edge
4 Phase, Pace
5 Dismiss, Quicken
6 Distort, Pause
7 Fold
8 Summon, Stasis Field
9 Beckoning, Sending
10 Reality Shift, Aging

Temporal Awareness
Psychoportation 1
The psionist is always aware of the current time and date, as well as the passage of time, with a higher power roll indicating a more accurate accessment of the current time. Even at their worst, the psionist is always within one minute of the exact time. They are also aware when their are temporal disturbances, such as other psychoportation powers or a change in their current timeline.

Psychoportation 1
Anchor allows the psionist ignore any attempts to move them from their current position using extraplanar travel against their will. They may also add their Rank to any rolls against effects which affect time, such as Pace, Pause, or Aging.

Psychoportation 1, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
Anchor allows the psionist to make a ranged touch attack to keep any subject from making extraplanar on instaneous travel by any means, such as Phane Shift or Teleport.

Psychoportation 1, Drain 0, Range 5
The psionist has developed the ability to warp space, allowing them to cause subjects to suddenly move from one place to another. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective. The new position of a subject may be anywhere within range of the psionist, but not within a solid object. Items may be removed from characters or placed on characters with this power. This movement appears as an incredibly quick blur effect in a straight line between the old and new location.

Psychoportation 2
The character has their own pocket dimension accessable through any opening. They may store any willing item they can move through an opening in their pocket dimension. Living beings may not be placed in a Pocket. The size of a pocket dimension is based on the psionist's Rank: 5 cubic feet and 20 pounds per Rank. Any opening may be used to retrieve or place an item, providing it is at least half the size of the item being transported through it. Placing or retrieving items from a Pocket is a move-equilivant action if the character has readied access to an opening suitable for the object they wish to retrieve or place.

Psychoportation 2, Drain 0, Maintained
The psionist can enter their own pocket dimension and remain there. They may interact with any items in their pocket dimension (placed there via the Pocket power) freely. They still require food, water, and sleep while in their pocket dimension, and time passes normally for them.

Psychoportation 2, Drain 0, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to slow the rate at which time effects their body down to 1% of normal. In such a state the psionist is completely helpless and unaware, and appears to be dead to all but the most through scrutining. Make an opposed roll to determine whether an observer can tell if the psionist is alive or not.

Psychoportation 3, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist has learned to warp the space around themselves so that objects coming at their front instantly appear beind them, effectively passing right through them without harm. They gain a AC and Reflex saving throw bonus equal to 1 per two Ranks (maximum 5). This power causes a slightly visible bend about an inch around the psionist, as if they were on the end of a magnifying glass.

Psychoportation 3, Drain 1, Maintained
The psionist can make any piercing or slashing melee weapon more effective by placing a tight dimensional field around it, making it infinitely sharp. They add a +1 per two Ranks (maximum 5) to attack and damage rolls with the weapon.

Psychoportation 4, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to partially shift onto the Ethereal plane, allowing them to move through any matter. While in this form, they gain a bonus to their AC, all saving throws, Hide checks, Move Silent checks, and Search checks for secret doors of up to their Rank, decided as a free action at the beginning of their turn. However, all of the psionist's effects also suffer this same bonus as a penalty to all of their outgoing effects, reducing DCs for their effects, attack rolls, damage rolls (from total damage, not each die), and such. Reduce the penalty to effect other phased characters by the bonus the psionist gains from Phase. The psionist appears more translucent based on the degree to which they are phased. If this power stops while the psionist in inside a substance, they are thrown from it as per Ethereal Jaunt spell.

Psychoportation 4, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist may cause time to move more slowly for one being, effectively slowing them as per Slow spell. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective. The experience for the victim of this effect is that everything else is moving faster than normal, as if they were all under a Haste spell.

Psychoportation 5, Drain 1, Range 25
The psionist can cause any summoned or conjured creature to return to its place of origin. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective.

Psychoportation 5, Drain 2, Maintained
Quicken slows down time for a psionist, allowing them to react better to situations and appear to be moving faster than normal. They gain add 1 point their AC, Initiative, and Reflex saves for every two Ranks (maximum 5), and gain one extra partial action each round. Additionally, they may move and jump 10% farther for each two Ranks. Quicken comes with a price: when maintenance is stopped, the psionist is slowed as per the Slow spell for every round they were using Quicken.

Psychoportation 6, Drain 0, Maintained
The psionist is able to make highly localized warps in space at will, allowing them to reach much farther than they normally would. They add one foot to their reach for every Rank (allowing them to strike one square farther away in melee for every five Ranks). The psionist may use this power to see around objects within their range. Additionally, the psionist increases their speed by one foot per Rank (allowing them to move one square farther for every five Ranks). Finally, Escape Artist and defensive Grapple rolls are made with a bonus equal to their Rank. The visual effect of this power is a stretching of the psionist's body when they extends themself.

Psychoportation 6, Drain 2, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist causes time to move so slowly for one being that they are treated as held as per Hold Person spell. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective. The experience for the victim of this effect is that everything is moving at incredible speed, forming a massive, disorienting blur. Victims of this power may not take any action at all, and is helpless.

Psychoportation 7, Drain 3, Maintained, Range Unlimited
This power allows the psionist to fold space from one point to another, allowing instanteous travel between the two spaces. The opening is a visual tear in space, and allows vision through it. The size of the opening is a circle of no more than 1 foot diameter per Rank, but may be very small. Fold openings may not be more than five feet times their Rank from the psionist. Characters can fit through an opening without hassle if they are able to fit the largest part of their body through it. Objects cannot be trapped between sides of a Fold: they are always considered to be on the side which has more of their volume. Distance and orientation of the Fold are up to the psionist. Gravity takes effect only after characters move through a Fold, so that a Fold may cause a character to drop down a cliff, but only if they are considered to be on that side of the opening. Performing precise tricks with a Fold, such as causing someone to fall through it, requires a ranged touch attack. The target is allowed a Reflex saving throw to negate suck an effect. Character may not take actions after moving through a Fold for the rest of the round, although they are not helpless.
The base DC for a Fold is 20, modified by the psionist's familiarity with their destination. If the psionist fails this power by less than 10, they are off target by 5% for each point they missed the roll, and arrive in a random location away from their destination. If the psionist is off by more than 10, they have instead teleported to a place similar to the one they were going to.

Psychoportation 8, Drain 2, Maintained, Range 25
The psionist can call forth creatures from other planes to do their bidding. Treat this power as a Summon Monster spell of half the psionist's Rank (so a Rank 8 Summon is treated as Summon Monster IV).

Statis Field
Psychoportation 8, Drain 2, Maintained
Stasis Field creates a transparent temporal globe barrier around the psionist with a radius of up to their Rank. The psionist rolls a power check to determine the DC for the Statis Field. Anything coming in contact with the barrier must make a Reflex save against this power's DC or be under the effect of a Pause power. The psionist may act normally. Pressing the Statis Field on subjects allows them to automatically succeed in the saving throw. Once a subject is under this effect, they remain frozen in time until the psionist releases this power, at which time they act normally. The psionist may selectively use this power against those in its effect.

Psychoportation 9, Drain 3, Range Unlimited
This power allows the psionist to fold and warp space near a known subject, bringing them to within five feet times your Rank or your current location. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective. The psionist need not know where the target is, but familiarity modifiers based on their location apply, so it is easier to get someone if you know where they are.

Psychoportation 9, Drain 3, Range 25
Send allows the psionist fold and warp space, transporting a subject to a far off location. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective. The location the target is going to may be anywhere, but familiarity modifiers based on their destination apply, so it is easier to send someone to a place you know.

Reality Shift
Psychoportation 10
The psionist's control over space is so great they they may move to other planes of existence or alternate dimesions. Treat any application of this ability as an optional property of any applicable psychoportation power, doubling its Drain when used.

Psychoportation 10, Drain 3, Range 25
Using their knowledge of time, the psionist can cause others to suddenly speed up for just a moment, effectily aging them by 1d4 years, plus 1 per Rank of the psionist. The psionist must succeed in an opposed roll against the target's Reflex saving throw for the power to be effective.