
A Teacher gives its user specific psionic powers which they use just as if they had the power. The Drain is increased by half the Ranks the subject would need to have the power themself, rounded down. For example, a psionist with Rank 1 in Psychokinesis who is using Teacher with a Rank 4 Psychokinesis power would suffer an additional point of Drain, or 2 extra points of Drain if used by someone with no Ranks in Psychokinesis. Treat powers without Drain as having a Drain of 0 and Maintained for these purposes, so they must be activated and maintained to have effect. The Rank of the psionic powers used from a Teacher may be up to that of its creator.

Metapsionic feats may be placed on Teacher item powers. Treat them as one Rank point for each Psychic Rank pre-requisite of the power, so if a psionist was Rank 9 and wanted to place a metapsionic feat with a Psychic Rank pre-requisite of 3 on a power, that power may only be up to Rank 6. The psionist power of the Teacher always has the effect of the feat active, just as if the user of the Teacher had the feat, including any Drain modifiers and/or other penalties. Feats with variable power levels may fluctuate as much as the creator's feat can, with the final setting decided by the user when activated.

Double all Drain for using a Teacher if the user is not of a lawful alignment.

Teacher items have a DC equal to the total Rank prerequisites of all powers, plus the total Ranks at which the powers are set, plus 10. Add the psionist's level to the crafting roll. Roll once per day during creation, and add one point to the roll for each day you failed your roll. If you go one day without working on the Teacher, it loses all the psionic energy it has been gathering and all your work is wasted. The psionist suffers normal Drain from the use of the psionic powers being empowered to the item. Teachers cost 10 times their DC in XP to empower, take 1 day per DC to create, and cost 10 times the DC to construct. Their market value is 100 times their DC.