
Telepathy is about effecting other minds using the power of your own. Charisma modifiers apply to all Telepathy rolls. Targets are generally unaware of telepathic activity in their minds, and is not aware of the effects of such intrusions, unless there is some obvious effect (such as taking damage or not being able to move). All telepathics require verbal components to function at full effect, so a degree of phrasing discression is required to maintain the secrecy of the telepathic effect.

Most telepathic powers which effect other minds require the psionist to roll above a subject's mental AC for this power to work. Others require that the psionist make one roll and compare the result to the mental AC of a potential target to be effective.

Base mental AC is determined by adding a character's Will saving throw to their level. If an effect alters a character's Will saving throw for mind-effects, enchantments, or phantasms, applying this modifier to mental AC as well. When making a mental attack, add the target's mental AC to 10 (just as if you were attacking a normal AC) to determine the DC you must beat to succeed.

Abilities which effect mind-effects, enchantments, or phantasms have the same effect on Telepathy. Treat all telepathy-inducted illusions as phantasms for determining how other effects alter them.

1 Mindlink, Empathy, Influence
2 Senselink, Distraction
3 Probe, Willpower
4 Mindblast, Fabrication
5 Amnesia, Sleep
6 Sensory Suppression, Counteract
7 Hallucination, Pain Enhancement
8 Absense, Steal Ability
9 Psychic Surgery, Mindwipe
10 Mindmastery, Mental Transposition

Telepathy 1, Drain 0, Maintained, Range Unlimited
Mindlink connects the psionist's mind to that of another. In effect, they may now have a conversation with another person using just their mind by sharing their thoughts. Languages are not a barrier in a Mindlink, and mental images may be sent between the link. Communication through a Mindlink takes as much effort as a normal conversation, so neither individual unintentionally express something. A psionist may maintain a number of active Mindlinks equal to their Rank. Different individuals connected to the psionist may communicate with each other at the psionist's discression. If desired, a psionist may exclude themselves from conversations between subjects in a Mindlink.
The base DC for this power is 20; apply familarity modifiers.

Telepathy 1, Drain 0, Maintained, Range 25
With this power the psionist taps into the surface thoughts an individual, giving them insight into the motivations of others. They may add their Rank as a situation bonus to Sense Motive rolls against that individual, and are privy to what general action they are doing now as well as what they are going to do in the upcoming round.

Telepathy 1, Drain 1, Range 5
Influence allows the psionist to place their will on others, adding extra thoughts into their head. The target acts upon the thoughts just as if they had come up with them on their own. Fear caused in this manner increases the subject's fear by one step with each use. Attitudes may be shifted by one step with each use of this power. The DC is the target's mental AC, modified by how likely they are to take the action suggested by the Influence:

+10 Usually thinks this way
+5 Often thinks this way
+0 Indifferent to the idea
-5 Not a likely thought they have
-10 Very unusual to think this thought

Telepathy 2, Drain 1, Maintained, Range Unlimited
This power allows the psionist to tap into the sense of others. Sensory input is gained as the other individual sees it. Treat Senselink as a scrying effect for purposes of determining how it interacts with other effects. If the psionist wishes, they may make a Scrying roll using the subject as a reference point, although a failed Scrying roll allows the subject an opposed Spot roll to see if they sense the psionist. Additionally, having this power allows a psionist to communicate sensory data through a Mindlink.
The base DC is 20; apply familarity modifiers.

Telepathy 2, Drain 1, Maintained
Distraction is a quick intrusion made the minds of those who attempt to attack the psionist, making it harder for them to focus on their attack. When activated, the psionist makes a power roll. Anyone whose mental AC is less than the result (without familarity modification) and is within 250 feet of the psionist suffer a penalty equal to the psionist's Rank (maximum 5) to strike the psionist. Effects which target the psionist (such as single target spells) and grant saving throws are made with a bonus of the psionist's Rank (maximum 5).

Telepathy 3, Drain 1, Maintained, Range Touch
Probe is a useful psionic ability that causes the target to reveal anything the psionist wishes with a successful touch attack with their mental AC as a penalty. Every round the psionist gains another sentence of information, or one round's worth of memories. The target cannot lie about the information, but it is gained from their perspective, so it is not necessarily true. Probes are initiated on a given question or request. Each new question/request requires a new Probe roll.

Telepathy 3
The mental discipline of the psionist is so great that they have become more resistant to mental effects. They add their Rank to their mental AC. Additionally, they add their Rank to any saving throws or opposed rolls against mental effects. After a temporary mental effect (one with a duration) is in place, they may attempt to remove it by making a Will saving throw and taking Drain equal to the level of the effect, or half its Rank or character level, based on which applies.

Telepathy 4, Drain 1, Range 25
Mindblast allows the psionist to attack sentient targets with a powerful telepathic blast, dealing 1d4 points per Rank of subdual damage (maximum 10d4).

Telepathy 4, Drain 1, Maintained
This power allows the psionist to change the way others perceive them. They may alter their physical apprearence in any way, providing they stay within one size category and roughly form similar to their current form (i.e. humanoid-shaped psionists must remain humanoid-shaped). Appearence, smell, sound, or even taste and texture can be altered. When activated, the psionist makes a power roll. Anyone whose mental AC is less than the result (without familarity modification) and is within 250 feet of the psionist is effected. This power is so convincing that it only allows disbelief when a subject makes major interacts with gross alterations (those over 50% in magnitude). This power does not grant the psionist any special skills for mimicing precise appearences, such as an exact disguise as another person, but does make such use of another skill easier, granting a +10 situation bonus. The psionist may change their appearence once per round as a move-equlivant action. Maintaining this power is very taxing on the psionist, hence they suffer a -4 to all actions except those the psionist may take a 10 on.

Telepathy 5, Drain 1, Range 5
Psionists can cause minds to blank out information, forgetting one Skill or event. Skills return after one hour per Rank of the psionist, but events are gone until restored by some other means.

Telepathy 5, Drain 2, Range 5
The psionist has mastered their power over others to the point where they can cause instant sleep, making their targets helpless. Only targets whose character level is less than half the psionist's Rank can be effected. Targets may be awoke with an Aid an Ally action or if they take any damage.

Sensory Suppression
Telepathy 6, Drain 2, Maintained, Range 25
Sensory Supppression allows the psionist to remove one sense from a subject while this power is maintained.

Telepathy 6, Drain 1, Range 25
This powerful telepathic attack allows the user to cancel out any action a target makes. In order to be effective, the psionist needs to know what general action the target is taking, and have Counteract readied against a specific target. For example, the psionist needs to know that they are casting a spell, but not which spell they are casting, or that they will make a melee attack, but not who they are attacking. Make an opposed roll against the roll of the action, or against the character's applicable level if there is no roll involved. If it suceeds, the target continues with normal action, but at a -2 to any rolls regarding its success.
This power may also be used to cancel out any single persistent effect which the initiator (who is the target of this power) can dismiss at will. Maintained psionic powers and spells with dismissal or concentration as part of their duration are the most common examples of these effects. Make an opposed roll, as listed above, except that failure does nothing to the target.

Telepathy 7, Drain 2, Maintained
Hallucination allows the psionist to place a mental image in the heads of sentient beings. When activated, the psionist makes a power roll. Anyone whose mental AC is less than the result (without familarity modification) and is within 250 feet of the psionist is effected. This Hallucination functions as a full sensory illusion, and may move with a script as per Persistent Illusion spell. Hallucinations are very convincing, and saving throws against them are made with a -4 penalty. The volume of a Hallucination is a 20 foot cube, and may be spread out as wide as 100 feet in any direction. Hallucinations may be send along a Mindlink and viewed by all within range of the linked subject, but the image is automatically recognized as false. Maintaining a Hallucination is very taxing on the psionist, and so they suffer a -4 to all actions except those the psionist may take a 10 on.

Pain Enhancement
Telepathy 7, Drain 1, Maintained, Range 25
This ability allows the psionist to contribute to the suffering of others. Every time the target takes damage, they suffer an additional 1 point of subdual damage for each die of damage they take for every five Ranks. Hence, if someone is effected by a Rank 10 Pain Enhancement and takes a 5d6 fireball, they suffer 5 extra points of subdual damage from the hit.

Telepathy 8, Drain 2, Maintained
Absense allows the psionist to remove their presense from the minds of sentient beings, making them undetectable by any sense. When activated, the psionist makes a power roll. Anyone whose mental AC is less than the result (without familarity modification) and is within 250 feet of the psionist is effected. Supernatural effects can pick up on the psionist's presense, as can effects which effect invisible creatures. Objects carried on the psionist are effected. Minor changes in the environment made by the psionist within the round are also removed from sentient minds. For example, footprints the psionist left in the sand for this round are removed from the minds of those effected, but show up next round. Major changes in the environment can give away the psionist's location, but do not break his Absense. Maintaining an Absense is very taxing on the psionist, and so they suffer a -4 to all actions except those the psionist may take a 10 on.

Steal Ability
Telepathy 8, Drain 2, Maintained, Range 25
Steal Ability allows the psionist to run through a target's mind, find an ability they possess, and use it as if they had the exact same ability. Any Skills, Spells, Feats, Class feature, saving throw, attack bonus, or any other mental ability is known to the psionist and may be taken. The acquired ability remains as long as the psionist maintains this power. Spellcasting ability may be gained, but is only for one level of spells, and even then the psionist would have to prepare the spell just as their target would.

Psychic Surgery
Telepathy 9, Drain 2, Maintained, Range Touch
Psychic Surgery allows the psionist to permanently alter the minds of others. Each operation a psionist may perform has a different DC. Operations take their DC in minutes to perform.

DC 10 - Heal 1d6 per three Ranks in subdual damage
DC 15 - Alter the apprearence of an aura by one step
DC 10+ - Make a telepathic effect permanent
DC 10+ - Remove a permanent telepathic effect
DC varies - Teach a psionic Lesson
The most promenant use of Psychic Surgery is to make telepathic effects permanent, without Strain. The psionist makes the Psychic Surgery attempt, adding the Rank prerequisite of the power to be made permanent to the DC. Any saving throws for the power automatically fail. Only effects which target one individual (other than the psionist) and are Maintained may be made permanent. Removing a permanent telepathic effect has the same DC as was used to place it on the target, except that you automatically succeed when removing own permanent telepathic effects.
Psychic Surgery may also be used to teach a psionic Lesson, giving a subject with a Lawful alignment one psionic power as if they had acquired it from a Teacher item. The psionist must have the Craft Teacher feat to use this ability. The DC for the check is the same as it would be to create a teacher item, but is not modified by the psionist's level. Additionally, the DC may not be higher than twice the recipient's level. Teaching a Lesson does not incur a gold piece cost for construction, but still requires that the psionist pay XP as if it were a Teacher item. The recipient of the Lesson also pays this XP cost as well. Teaching a Lesson takes the same time and resources as it does to make a Teacher item. The market value on a Lesson is the same as a Teacher item. Lessons cannot be permanently removed once in place; treat lessons as a psionist class ability, even if the subject is not a psionist.

Telepathy 9, Drain 2, Range 25
Mindwipe is an extremely powerful telepathic attack which closes off large portions of a target's mind, causing them to lose one level. Once per day the target may make a Will saving throw. If this succeeds, they recover a level. Do this as long as the victim has any levels lost to Mindwipe.

Telepathy 10, Drain 3, Maintained, Range 25
The most horrifying of the telepathic attacks, Mindmastery gives the psionist complete control over their victim, making them do whatever they please. The victim is aware of what is going on, but is absolutely powerless to stop it. They act as the psionist pleases, using the victim's abilities, just as if they had undertaken the action themselves. Worse, the psionist is aware of what Skills, Spells, Feats, and abilities a victim has, so they may take full advantage of what they have to offer. Items carried on a victim, recent memories, or anything else which is not a level-gained ability is not known through a Mindmastery. The psionist also has a Mindlink and Senselink active with their Mindmasteryd subject, so they know what their victims are up to. The only catch is that controlling another's actions with Mindmastery is so intensive that it requires constant, exclusive concentration. Without this concentration, the victim may act normally, but is not free of the Mindmastery if the psionist refocuses their attention.

Mental Transposition
Telepathy 10, Drain 4, Range Touch
This powerful telepathic ability allows the psionist to take another's body and place their mind in the psionist's body, effectively switching bodies. They must make a touch attack roll with mental AC modifier as a penalty to the roll for this power to succeed.