In movies, television and literature the deaths of major characters is rarely sudden. Often major characters hang on for that one last deadly attack, to bear an interesting and plot-shattering piece of information, or to save a companion's life. The purpose of this optional rule is to make death less sudden and more dramatic for PCs and major NPCs.
When a Player Character (PC) or Non-Player Character (NPC) receives a blow in combat that would kill him or her this optional rule gives them one last chance to hang on and die a slow and painful death.
After receiving a blow that would otherwise kill the PC or NPC, the Dungeon Master (DM) rolls 1d20 + (PC or NPC Hit Dice) + (Charisma modifier) and consults the following table:
DM Roll | Description | Game Effect |
roll of 1-9 (or natural 1) | The character crumples to the floor and dies immediately | Character is dead. |
DC 10 | The character painfully aware of their imminent death, has one last dying action. | The character can take one dying action*. |
DC 20 | The character has suffered and killing blow and will die momentarily. | For a number of rounds equal to 1d4+CON modifier (DM makes secret roll), character can take one dying action* per round. |
DC 30 | The character is slowly bleeding to death and nothing seems to hold off the icy grip of death. | For a number of minutes equal to 1d6+CON modifier (DM makes secret roll), character can take one dying action* per round (see above). |
DC 40 (or natural 20) | The character has taken a mortal wound and feels their life fading as they die a very slow and painful death. | For a number of hours equal to 1d8+CON modifier (DM makes secret roll), character can take one dying action* per round. |
*a dying action is equal to 1 standard action or 1/2 movement.
Pulling Through
If the player character receives medical treatment (magical or otherwise) while dying then the Player can make a Fortitude OR Will check (Player's Choice). The DC for this roll is 10 + (Opponent who laid killing blow's hit dice) + (Opponent's Charisma Modifier).
If the PC or NPC makes the roll then they somehow pull through. Due to the permanent damage caused by such a grievous wound, the character heals slowly at one-half their normal healing rate (even magical healing is halved). Once fully healed, thereafter the character heals normally.
Finishing off the dying
If any character sustains lethal damage while in the midst of dying, they die immediately. Non-lethal damage automatically stuns the character for one round (no save).