- Droids - Droid Costs: Droid costs are based on the total cost of their Levels, Size, Equipment, and Characteristics: - Levels - Professional: (x * x + x) * 100, where x equals Professional levels, max 6 Hero: (x * x + x) * 500, where x equals Hero levels, max 3 - Size: - Size determines physical attribute ranges and Wound Points. The maximum weight of equipment a droid may have is also based on size. Size Cost Str Dex Con Mental Wnd.Pts. Max.Gear ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fine: 100 2-8 14-20 2-8 2-10 Con 5 kg Diminutive: 150 4-12 12-18 4-12 4-14 Con 10 kg Tiny: 200 4-16 10-18 4-16 4-16 Con 15 kg Small: 350 6-18 8-18 6-18 4-18 Con 25 kg Medium: 500 6-18 6-18 6-18 4-18 Con 35 kg Large: 800 8-18 6-18 8-18 4-18 Con 65 kg Huge: 1500 10-20 6-16 10-20 4-20 Con x 2 150 kg Gargantuan: 3000 12-24 4-14 12-24 4-22 Con x 4 300 kg Colossal: 5000 14-30 2-12 14-30 4-24 Con x 8 600 kg - Equipment - As per cost of each piece of equipment. - Characteristics - Add together all characteristics, then multiply by 100 if greater than 0 Speed: per 2 meters of Speed (max 20): +1 Movement: Stationary: -10; add +25% to max gear Wheeled: -4 Tracked: -2 Walking: +0 Attributes: use the modifiers for each attribute (Str + Dex + Con + Int + Wis + Cha) x4 Heuristic Processor: Enables the droid to use more untrained skills: +10 Easy Maintenance Design: per +5 to Repair checks: +10 Increase Equipment: per +5 kg to max gear (up to twice its base max gear): +2 Unspent Skill Points: These are Skill Points which can be reassigned with relative ease +1 per 8 points (rounded off) Better Appendages (each with its own limb): Droids only have appendages if they need them for their design Claws (-2 to rolls requiring fine manipulation): +2 each Hands: +4 each Programming: use the following examples as a guide for additional options (Items with a * are typical droid programming) * Cannot let sentient organic being die through action or in-action: -2 * Self-Preservation (except at cost of sentient organic beings): +1 * Cannot be an hassle for organic sentient beings: -1 * Must obey all of a master orders: -2 * Cannot convey false information: -1 Cannot attack at all: -3 Must aid sentient organic beings in need: -2 Cannot operate without orders from a master: -3 - Droid Design and Construction DC - The difficulty to design a droid is based on its attribute modifiers and levels: (Dexterity + Intelligence + Wisdom + Charisma) + (Pro.Lvls. * 2 or Hero Lvls. * 4) + 10 The DC to construct a droid is 5 less than that required to design it. Designing a droid takes a number of days equal to its design DC. Constructing a droid takes a number of hours equal to its DC times 2. Droids Characters: Players are allowed to play Droids if they want to, but it is not easy. There are several differences between normal characters and droids: * Droids to not need food, water, or sleep, but they do need infrequent recharges (once a month). * Droids do not breathe or excrete. * Droids require maintenance, including a 30-minute shut-down every 3 days. * Standard poisons and disease have no effect on a droid. * Droids require the use of Repair skill to regain Wound points. * Droids normally cannot sense tastes, scents, or textures. * A droid's unspent skill point allotment may be changed with programming, although cross class costs must still be met. * Droids stop functioning at 0 Wound points, and are considered disabled. Each round they lose 1 more wound point unless they are actively shut down (DC 10). Once they hit -10 Wounds, the droid is destroyed. * Droids basically do not die except from neglect or destruction, and have a life expectancy of 1000 years. * Droids deal unarmed damage as if they were two sizes bigger than normal. * Droid gain the Ambidexterity feat for free if they have multiple arms. * Droids may only gain mental attribute increases as they go up on level (although they may seek equipment to augment their physical attributes). * Droids receive Speak Binary and Speak Basic for free, but otherwise gain no bonus languages as other characters do. * Unless they have a heuristic processor, droids may only make unskilled checks for Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, Search, and Spot * Droids may not wear armor, but may be fitted with armor plating instead * Droids are considered to have experience equal to what it would cost to be of an equal level to their programmed level, even though they have not had "real" experiences. * Droids do not gain Force points, may not take Force classes, feats, or skills, and are not affected by Force skills other than those that can affect inanimate objects. * Droids do not receive starting funds. * Droids are typically owned by a master (i.e. are considered slaves). * Droids are limited to the constraints of their droid's programming until they developed free-will. By default, droids are the property of their master, and ultimately must follow their every wish. Society treats droids as lower-class citizens, as slaves. This is the most difficult part of playing a droid: there are many situations where droids are simply not welcome. They are not treated as individuals, and are treated as tools. While some owners will develop friendships with their more-sophisticated droids, most would not give a second thought to their droid's feelings and concerns. Even droids such as R2D2 who get the chance to participate in adventurers would usually only be considered lesser or minor heros. It is very unusual for a droid to work with sentient organic beings as an equal, if for no other reason than the limitations placed on droids by society. Droids have a life expectancy of 1000 years, although with proper maintenance and repair, there is no limit to how long they can last. Most droid characterss are considered to be between 15 and 25 years at the start. Instead of attribute modifications based on their age, droids have a modifier for repair and modify rolls. This represents the difficulty to work with a droid design based on part compatibility, familiarity with the design, previous use, and other factors which time can complicate. 1-5 years: fresh, -2 6-10 years: new, -1 11-200 years: current, -0 201-400 years: lesser-used, -1 401-600 years: dated, -3 601-1000 years: old, -6 1001+ years: ancient, -10 The age of a droid is based off of the manufacturing date for the droid. All versions of droids, even those based on way ancient designs, are updated at the time of production (if for no other reason than to take into account new parts). Gamemasters may always make the final ruling as to whether a player may play a given droid type. Generally, droids with more than 4 NPC levels or more than 2 Hero levels should not be allowed to be played in a beginning campaign. Additionally, stationary droids, as well as those smaller than Tiny or larger than Large should probably not be played either. Player-designed droids should be heavily monitored by the GM insuring that any unnecessary equipment, attributes, or options are not included. Droid Free-Will: As the droid picks up new experiences, they learn from their mistakes, and hence develope personalities. Some droids eventually learn to overcome their programming, and become free-willed, able to make their own decisions, although they still feel the tendencies of their programming and rarely go directly against their design. No droid just begins play with a personality, let alone free-will. As droids go through their existence, they begin picking up quirks and learned responses which become their personality. Without free-will, droid characters are limited to their original build and programming, hence may not take on new classes. As a droid gains experience points, they become more free-willed, and once they exceed the required amount, they are completely free-willed. The amount of experience required for a droid to be free-willed is based on their levels: ((x-1) * (x-1) + (x-1)) * 250, where x is Professional levels ((x-1) * (x-1) + (x-1)) * 500, where x is Hero levels Droids need to be treated just as another hero to gain experience, in other words, they must be let in on the action to learn from it. They do not acquire experience for merely being there. Most droids never get the chance to develope free-will, but those that do usually require but one good adventure as one of the heros to do so. Droids who participated in an adventure but not as much as a hero earn a half-share of experience. Droids who has only a minor role earn a quarter-share of experience. Your average droid is lucky to get a quarter-share of experience in a given adventure, unless they are already free-willed and treated as such. Droids with remote processors are considered extensions of the computer controlling them, and may not develop personalities. Memory Wipes: Often times a droid needs to keep it secret that they have developed free-will, or they may suffer a memory wipe. Memory wipes remove any hero levels a droid may have. Droids with free-will also lose all the benefits of having their own personality and being able to ignore their programming. All skill points and feats gained for increases in hero levels are blanked out. Droid Equipment: Backup Box: The droid's learned memories are stored externally on a computer in case of a memory erase. Backups require a droid commit all of their experience to the procedure. Restoring a backup takes half the time it took to make the backup, and completely replaces the droid's experiences with those of the backup (usually a good thing if the droid suffered a memory wipe, but potentially bad if the droid is now of a higher level than they were when the backup was made). The droid's knowledge is that of the backup copy, so they will not remember things that occurred after the backup was made. The backup box is a small, hard, metal box with some simple controls and interface ports, usually kept in a very safe place rather than with a droid. Cost: 25 credits per 100 Experience Points of storage Weight: 1 kg per 100 Experience Points of storage Flight Engine: Some droids have full flight capabilities, and are able to move anywhere without limitations, even in space. Cost: same as Repulsorlift Unit x 2 Weight: 25% size-based max gear Fusion Generator: Other than power droids, most units have no use for this degree of power. Fusion generators can power anything up to a Small starship indefinitely, a Medium starship for one day, a Large starship for one hour, or a huge starship for one minute. After that the unit must be shut down and repaired. Cost: 5000 Weight: 40 kg Hard-Wired Memory: Parts of the droid's learned experiences are now hard-wired, and cannot be erased. This does come at the cost of some of the droid's experience, but does insure that they will not lose the whole of thier personality. Cost: 25 credits and 1 Experience per 100 Experience Points Weight: 0.1 kg per 100 Experience Points Olfactory Sensors: Most droids have no sense of smell. This piece of equipment allows them to sense scents as well as a normal humanoid, or with a +2 for triple the cost and weight. Cost: 100 credits Weight: 1 kg Pheromone Projectors: For communication with species who communicate using pheromones, some droids are given this enhancement, allowing them to communicate using pheromones as well as a normal being of a species that communicates using pheromones. This gear also allows them to interpret pheromone signals properly, although granted them no other bonuses to scent-related rolls. Cost: 200 credits Weight: 2 kg Physical Augmentation: This represents a major upgrade of a physical attribute of the droid. They gain a +2 to one physical attribute, but not over their size-determined limit. Cost: base max gear x 1000 Weight: base max gear / 4 Removed Locomotion: To make room for more equipment, some droids have their locomotion completely removed. They are unable to move, but gain 25% increase to their equipment capacity. Droids without locomotion cannot be equipped with repulsorlift or flight locomotion. Cost: 100 credits Weight: n/a Restored Locomotion: Sometimes it is necessary for a normally immobile droid to have locomotion added back to it. The cost is based on whether the locomotion is tracked, wheeled, or walking, and can be later modified to include repulsorlift or flight capabilities. The bonus gained to maximum gear from the lack of locomotion is lost in the process. Cost: 1100 tracked, 1300 wheeled, 1500 walking, +150 per 2 meters of speed Weight: n/a Shield Generators: Droids may not make more than a 2-meter step with an active shield, as the extra power to operate the shield is diverted from their locomotion. Tactile Sensors: Most droids do not have sensitive enough tactile sensors to sense textures. This upgrade allows them to sense any texture as a normal humanoid would, or with a +2 for triple the cost and weight. Cost: 100 credits Weight: 1 kg Taste Sensors: Typically droids have no need to taste substances. The few droids who get this piece of equipment are able to differentiate tastes to the same degree as a humanoid is, or with a +2 for triple the cost and weight. Cost: 100 credits Weight: 1 kg