* PLANETS OF STAR WARS * * CORE WORLDS * The center of the Republic. Abregado-rae: Temperate, hilly world. Pupular destination for free-traders and smugglers. Native species are the Gados (tall, lanky, fur-covered humanoids with big eyes and buck teeth) and Moochers (small, thin, humanoids with short, soft fur, and a tail who panhandle to survive). Alderaan: Temperate world with wide open plains and forests, with cities up in the mountains. Center for art, culture, and education. Main cities are Aldera (island city with rounded, graceful, pristine towers) and Crevasse City (city built into a crevasse with tall, rounded towering buildings). Capital is Alderaan Hills. Architecture compliments the surrounding landscape. Grass paintings are one of the common art forms. Scattered throughout the planet are large, petrified mounds of Killiks, an ancient alien species that used to populate Alderaan. Balosar: Inhosphitable industrial world with high crime rate and corrupt government that discourages tourism. Air is barely breathable because of industrial pollution. Home to the Balosar. Chandrila: Sparcely populated (for a Core World) and surprisingly rural and temperate. Cities are small and scattered, separated by terraced gardens and gentle, rolling plains. Capital and main city is Hanna City, on the coast of the Silver Sea. Coruscant: Gigantic city-planet. The center of the Republic and the galaxy. Towering buildings and satellites and starports stretching into the lower atmosphere. The bottom levels of the planet are shrouded in darkness and filled with scum and villany. Kuat: Temperate, green world with woods and gardens. Has several impressive space docks in orbit above the planet. Capital city is Kuat City. Ralltiir: Mountainous world with wetlands. Known as a center for banking. Grallia Spaceport is the main city. * CORELLIAN SECTOR * Within Core Worlds. Contains the five planets of the Corellian system and neighboring systems known as Outliers. Corellia: Temperate planet with forests, fields, and seas. Many ship docks and ship-building facilities. Prominent cities are Coronet (the capital city consisting of rounded towering building and the Treasure Ship Row, an open-air bizaar) and Tyrena. Drall: Quiet planet with meadows, rivers, and forests. Native population is the Drall (short, furry, peaceful, neurotic, rodent-like humanoid). Capital city is Meccha. Architecture is mound-like and partly underground. Interesting attraction is the Boiling Sea. Duro: Warm, urban wasteland world. One of the Outliers of the Corellian system. Relatively abandoned yet urbanized terrain. Sacorria: Mildly-warm world with forests and fields. One of the Outliers of the Corellian system. It is seclused, and somewhat backwater. Ruled by the Triad, an enigmatic council headquartered in the Watchtower Base. Points of interest include the Dorthus Tal Prison. Its one moon, Sarcophagus, serves as a vast graveyard for its population. Selonia: Island-covered world with bays, mountains, and peninsulas separated by shallow waterways. Homeworld for the Selonians (weasel-like humanoids). The chain of volcanic mountains called Cloudland Peaks are one of the planets more prominent features. Talus and Tralus: Two plain and ocean covered worlds in very close proximity to each other, separated by Centerpoint Station. Both worlds are governed by the Federation of the Double Worlds (Fed-Dub). Centerpoint Station is a metal sphere with two protrusions ending in rounded tips with an opening. People live on the inside of Centerpoint Station, and gain energy from the station's articifical sun, Glowpoint, which is completely inside the sphere. Promenant cities include Hollowtown (inside Centerpoint Station) and Refugee City (on Talus). * THE COLONIES * Near Core Worlds. First Republic expansion area. Arkania: Tundra world with vast canyons. Rich in gemstones and minerals. Prominant city is Trade City, built over an inside a canyon. Homeworld for Arkanians (near-humans with milky-white eyes, four clawed fingers, and a slightly-larger frames). Balmorra: Urbanized temperate world on the fringes of the galatic core. Major manufacturer for weaponry used throughout the galaxy. Capital city is Bin Prime. Batorine: Homeworld to the Blood Carvers, who are organized into many fiefdoms. Fondor: Massive shipbuilding planet. Second only to Corellia and Kuat in shipbuilding. The surface is now covered with modular factories, junkyards, cooling towers, and corporate offices. Steam tunnels and other pipelines run underneath the surface, and gaping excavations scar its surface. The majority of the shipbuilding facilities are orbital, with workers taking shuttles from the factories to their homes on the planet. Mrlsst: Known as the university planet. Covered by greenstalks, tall, easy-to-climb, hedge-like trees extending some 100 meters above the surface. The main campus spans two-hundred square kilometers, and dozens of satellite facilities are scattered throughout the planet's surface. The architecture is made from white stone and crystilline glass. Communities and facilities are built into some of the greenstalks as well. Scarchattle: Remarkably harsh desert world baked by three suns. Formerly a heavily terraformed tourist world. Now ruled by the "Gravel People", descentants of the original inhabitants of Scarchattle, who live a semi-nomadic existence under its fierce winds, scorching heat, and brutal gravel thunderstorms. Teyr: Temporate, stone-covered world with impressive canyons and many small farms. Main canyon is Teyr Rift, a massive slash in the landscape covering four-thousand kilometers with a skyrail train lining much of its perimeter. Tourism for the canyon is a major attraction, with thousands of cruise ships, luxury liners, and pleasure yachts line up at orbital docking platforms and take shuttles to the surface. Landing on the surface incurs a 300% markup at best. the natives are friendly and eager to give you a tour of the planet's sites, but immigration to the planet is nearly impossible. On the other side of the planet, in the agricultural greenbelt lies the sleepy, working-class town of Griann with its buildings and farms arranged in perfect checkboard grids. Further still is Sodonna, located at the mouth of the Noga River. once it was a booming city in control of waterway commerse, but now it has falled into decline. * INNER RIM * Next to the Colonies. Wide range of planetary types. Adari: Home to the Adarian people and government, which operates like a corporation. Ambria: Tough desert world covered in canyons and plateaus. Lies in the heart of a profitable mining system called the Stenness Node. Encircled by brilliant violet rings. Lake Natth is a battlesite where Jedi Master Thon (a Tchuukthai, also called a "Wharl") defeated a group of ancient Sith warriors. The lifeforms around the lake are now dark and mutated. Master Thon stayed on to act as guardian for the area and taught Jedi who came to train under him. Antar Four: The fourth moon of six orbiting the gas giant of Antar. A planetoid of of steppes and rivers. Homeworld for the Gotal (flat-faced humanoids with two large, energy-sensing cones on their heads). The satellite's severe axial tilt causes unusual day/night cycles and exceptionally harsh seasonal changes. Sometimes the whole planet is in light (from the sun and from Antar's reflection), while other times it is in complete darkness. All life on the planetoid has evolved some sort of non-visual means of sensory input, typically through energy-sensing cones and horns on their heads. Atzerri: Slightly-damn world with many marshes but several cities in the dryer regions. Known as a free-trader's paradise, its several spaceports have many ways to part you from your money, both legal and otherwise. Anything and everything is for sale here. Bestine: High-gravity water world fourth from the sun in its system. Cities are largely on the few island peaks and on floating platforms out over the calmer part of the vast oceans. Carratos: Temporate, settled world that has become a urban combat zone. System is populated by pirates, outlaws, smugglers, arms merchants, and other low-lifes. Streets are a practical war zone, with little to no local government. Wealthy citizens are locked away behind manor gates. Chofin Settlement is a prominant population area. Cona: An arid world home to the Arcona. Fernscale: Unsettled green world covered in large, fern-like vegatation. Populated by many herbavores and the predators that prey on them. Hapes: Temporate world with many seas and oceans. Founded four thousands years before the battle of Yavin by the female prisoners of the famous Lorell Raiders. Now a matriarcial society where men have little politcal and cultural power. Ruling center of the isolationist 63 worlds of the Hapes Consortium. Myrkr: Slightly-cool forest world with many force-sensitive species. Forests are populated with ysalamiri (small animals that repel the Force). The planet is sparsely populated, and a common stop for smugglers, fugitives, and outlaws. Hyllyard City is one of the main settlements. Onderon: Warm, jungle world. Its closest moon, Dxun, has an orbit which allows both the planet and moon to share atmospheres for a brief period, allowing bloodthirsty flying monsters from the moon to invade the planet. For protection, the residents build the Great Walled City of Iziz, covering over sixteen hundred square kilometers. Surviving residents outside the walled city became beast riders, taming the wild flying monsters of the jungle. Taanab: Flat, temporate farming world. Banthal Company Docks orbit the planet and serve as shipping ports. Pandath is a main spaceport. Telti: Small, sand-covered vacuum world with mulitple domed factories. Entire planet is used for droid manufacturing, all done in domed factories connected by tunnels. Very few organic residents. Thyferra: Warm world covered in rain forests. The only source for natural bacta in the galaxy, all controlled by the Bacta Cartel. Native population is the Vratix (large, mantis-like sentient insects). Xucphra City is one of the major settlements. * EXPANSION REGION * Outside of Inner Rim. Largely corporated-controlled space. M'haeli: Cold, mountainous world with snowfields and a moderate belt along the equator. Common stopover point for travellers. The native H'drachi (short, camel-faced humanoids) have little interaction with the human colonists. N'croth is one of the major settlements. Also a location of dragite crystal mining. Mimban: Swamp world with quickclay. Fifth of the planets in the Circarpous system, with the metropolitan Circarpous IV to the mining outposts on Circarpous X and Circarpous XII. Considered unworthy of colonization. Populated by the native Greenies and Coways. Neopolitan: Gaseous world with breathable upper atmosphere. Inclosed floating cities with skyway tubes for transit. Large commuter population. Rafa V: Dry, sand-covered world. Toka (frail humanoids with leathery skin) are the native species. Sharu pyramids stand in the desert, made from plastic resin and completely indestructable. Main export is life crystals, which are supposed to extend life if worn around the neck, but come from life orchard trees that sap your intelligence and vitality. Tynna: Pleasent world covered by forests and oceans. Populated by the native Tynnans (fur-covered, mouse-like, aquatic humanoids with poor eyesight compensated for by their excellent hearing and olfactory senses; they are quick-witted and highly practical) are very wealthy from the mining contracts for Republic companies to harvest the planet's natural resources. Thanks to the stipulations of the contracts, the planet's natural beauty is maintained through strict mining guidelines. Their society is completely state-run, providing for all of its citizens. Their ruling population is run by lottery, so anyone might have to serve, and therefore all stay informed. Warren: Rocky, dusty industrial world. Southern hemisphere controlled by Hut entrepenuers. Northern hemisphere resentful of Hutt presense. Field of wild sarlaccs. * MID RIM * Outside of Expansion Region. Known for wealthy planets and pirate raiders. Ando: Water-covered world with a few islands. Homeworld for the Aqualish. Minerals are harvested from Andooan mineral fish who inject rocks and later secrete the minerals out into their rock-hard carapaces. Main settlements include the peak island settlement of Island Castle, the urbanized Quantill City, and the many Ando Fishing Platforms. Belsavis: A glacer-covered world where life exists near small geothermal vents. Some of the more prominant settlements include Bot-um and Plawal. Some of the vents have been capped, and have plant-growing settlements inside. The natives are the Mluki (strong, hunchbacked humanoids). Bimmisaari: Temporate world covered by thick asaari forests. Gentle breezes and calm lakes make this world very pleasent. The native Bimm population also intrgrated short humanoids also called the Bimm into their own. Bothawui: Mountainous, valley-filled homeworld for the native Bothan population. Drev'starn is the city that is home to the Bothan SpyNet, and is a neutral ground trading post for spys from all of the galaxy's major powers. Garos IV: Mountainous world with many valleys, covered by forests and seas. Its mountains have mining colonies. The population is located in three major centers on one continent: the waterfront resort town of Zila, and manufacturing seat (and agricultural breadbasket) of Garan, and Arianna the capital city with its impressive University of Garos nearby the breath-taking Tahika Cliffs where visitors can watch the pounding surf of the Locura Ocean. Gravlex Mex: The low-gravity homeworld to the Anx. Ithor: Beautiful rain forest world of the Ithorians. Situated in the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. The natives protect and revere their jungles, living in floating herd-ships above their jungle world as to avoid damaging its fragile environment. Semi-intelligent bafforr trees ruled over the forest's life. Some of the more prominant herd ships are Tafanda Bay, Cloud-Mother, and Tree of Tarintha. Kalarba: Temporate world covered with seas and mountains. Population is known for being somewhat cocky. Noteworthy points are its twin moons of Indobok -- an ash-covered world home to the B'rknaa -- and Hosk, a high-tech moon enveloped by a sprawling Esseles-class space station. Points of interest include the Three Peaks of Tharen, the Great Sea, and Kalarba City and its spaceport. Kashyyyk: Forest world filled with gigantic wroshyr trees. Wookies inhabit the upper portions of the worldwide forest in buildings that wrap around the trunks of trees and are supported by the branches. The lower levels of the forest, called the Shadow Forest, are a virtual web of life where the sunlight is very dim and the predators are vicious. Very few have touched the soil of the planet and lived to tell about it. Kothlis: Tundra forest colony of the Bothans. Not quite as maintained as the Bothan homeworld, it has become a fertile breeding ground for under-the-table dealings. Originally colonized by the Raynor Mining Company, it was later purchased by the Bothans when its mineral veins suddenly ran dry. Capital city is the unassuming but well-established Tal'cara, with its underground unirail system connecting its population to their destinations. Naboo: Peaceful, tranquil world with beautiful seas and forests. Home to a human colony and the Gungans. Ord Mantell: Mist-shrouded world of plains and seas located at the heart of the Bright Jewel Cluster. It has become a magnet for bounty hunters and thieves, gathering in the planet's numerous casinos and industrial junkyards. Further inland lies smelters and industrial centers. Also home to the legendary Mantellian savrip, a hulking humanoid monster. Riflor: Tectonically unstable planet. Home to the Advozse. Rodia: Hot, humid, jungle world home to the Rodians. It is filled with vicious predators which are brutally hunted by the locals. Points of interest include the Chekkoo Enclave, a castle-like fortress on a ledge. Rodian cities are a jumble of industrial centers carving into their jungles. Equator City is a major port, filled with casinos and pleasure houses. Swaroth III: Gaseous planet with many habitable moons. Known for its vast resources. On the edge of the Republic and Hutt Space. Cities exist in great floating spheres where they refine the gases collected from the lower atmosphere. Torokis: Bothan colony. Umgul: Fog-shrouded world with winding rivers and limestone bluffs. Its native life are all blobs of varying sizes and abilities. The major attraction is at the Fondine Blob Raceways, located a short Commutube ride away from Ungul City. There blobs are trained and bred for blobstacle course racing. Its powerful fans blow back the fog, allowing the massive stadium to seat hundreds of onlookers, gamblers, and racing enthusiasts with ease. Vortex: A beautiful, grassy plain-covered world. Home to the Vor (gentle, avian-like humanoids). Vors dwell underground in small hummock mounds in large, open fields. The most impressive feature is the Catherdral of Winds, a huge crystalline structure designed to catch and ressonate the winds into a beautiful and varied melody. * OUTER RIM TERRITORIES * Outside of Mid Rim. Last settled expanse of space before Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. Filled with rugged, primitive frontier worlds. Agamar: Temporate world covered in short binka forests. Main settlements are Calna Muun and Tondatha, both modest in their size and population. Bakura: Temporate world of mountains, rivers, and forests. The Kurtzen (near-humans with no hair and really bumpy heads) call it home, but make up only 5% of the population. Its capital city of Salis D'aar sits on a river delta of of white quartz. Its modest economy is based on repulsorlift production and the export of namana fruit. Points of interest include the majestic West River and the Telaan Valley Community. Droids are forbidden on the planet due to a series of horrible accidents long ago. Barab 1: Dark humid world home to the Barabel. Bespin: Gas giant with breathable upper atmosphere. Remarkable source for Tibanna gas. Only settlement is Tibannopolis, a floating city of tall spires with a strong Ugnaught population. Byss: Mostly arid world orbiting twin suns ina figure-eight pattern. The Burning, the time when the planet passes between the two suns, is particularily harsh, with unpredictable weather, and sunlight scorches the entire planet. Homeworld for the Abyssin. Clak'Dor VII: Located int he Colu system (Mayagil sector). Once a garden paradise with techonologically advanced cities, now and ecological wasteland thanks to a war between the cities of Nozho and Weogar. All cities are now domed with artifical environments. Homeworld to the Bith. Dantooine: Warm world covered in grasslands and steppes. Unsettled, it is populated by the native Dantari. Once home to a training center for students of Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Dathomir: Cool world of forests, mountains, and deserts. Homeworld for the Nightsisters, a clan of human women who rule the planet with dark side force powers and treat men as property. They have even tamed the native Rancor population, and use them as mounts. Dellalt: Cool world largely covered in water, with long, mountainous, lake-covered continents providing the only land. Once the treasure vault world for Xim the Despot, ancient ruler of the Outer Rim defeated by Kossak the Hutt long ago. A modest and primitive city has sprang up over the ruins of Xim's treasure vault, but otherwise the planet is unsettled. Eriadu: Temporate, industrialized world. Covered in factories producing blocky industrial parts. Also produces shellwork jewelry. The atmosphere is choked with polution. Firrerre: Mountainous world with many rivers and waterfalls. Homeworld for the Firrerreos (near-humans with varicolored hair and special healing powers). Settlements are built in canyons with a few bridges connecting them to buildings on the other side, following waterfalls as they descent to the riverbanks below. Gamorr: Cool, pleasent world with mushroom-filled forests separated by mountains. Homeworld for the brutal Gammoreans (hefty, strong, pig-like humanoids with bad tempers). Any life over a meter long has been hunted into extinction. Settlements are made of stone and very primitive. Kessel: Small, potato-shaped planet with low-gravity and no natural atmosphere. Its thin artificial atmosphere is maintained by special factories that keep the planet hospitable enough for its residents to survive with breather masks. Its only export is glitterstim, a fibrous, proactive spice used for therapeutic purposes that induces a telepathic boost in its users; it is highly addictive. Used as a prison colony by the Hutts. Korriban: Cool desert world with many canyons. Unsettled except for the Valley of the Sith Lords, a massive and complex series of mausoleums for the many fallen Sith lords from ancient times. The mummified corpses of many Sith lords, and their wealth and riches, all lie here. Few and set foot in the Valley of the Sith Lords and lived to talk about it. Maridun: Temperate world of long, flat plains dotted with forests. Home to the Amanin. Maya Kovel: Windswept world with thin acrid atmosphere. Home to the Ayrou. Mon Calamari: Water-covered world with few islands. Home to both the Mon Calamari (red-skinned, lobster-ish squid-men) and the Quarren (tan-skinned, squid-head humanoids). The planet is teeming with life. Intelligent mollusks lie in a submerged cove called the Knowledge Bank maintain a history of the planet's developments. Together with the Quarren, the Mon Calamari developed huge floating cities, with the Mon Cals living in the sunlit upper levels and the Quarren living in the dark beneath the waves. Munto Codru: A beautiful, temporate world of mountains and forests with impressive, ancient stone castles built by a long-gone race. These castles are maze-like, with stone carved so thin it becomes nearly transparent. The walls are decorated with mysterious symbols and arcane petroglyphs. Homeworld for the Codru-Ji. Nal Hutta: Warm, heavily urbanized world of indulgences and corruption. Homeworld to the Hutts. Originally a rain-forest of Evocar, the Hutts bulldozed the forests, creating foul-smelling swamps that they liked. Now is filled with bathouses and pleasure palaces from every Hutt family. Nar Shaddaa: Completely urbanized moon. Covered in starports filled with thieves, smugglers, bounty-hunters, cutthroats, pirates, and other scum and villany, it is known as the Smuggler's Moon, and is considered to be extremely dangerous. Its complex spaceports and buildings resemble the lower levels of Coruscant. Nam Chorios: Bleak, cold desert world with crystal covered mountains locked in perpetual twilight. Used as a prison colony. Small towns like Hweg Shul eventually formed, supported by harvesting Water Stem crops for survival. They were kept on the planet by formidable gunpoints like Bleak Point which would blast any unauthorized ship that tried to leave the planet. Nim Drovis: Warm, swamp-covered, fungus-encrusted mudball of a planet. Home to the Drovians and the Gopso'o (both stocky humanoids with clawed hands, large, narrow eyes, and wide mouths), who have been at war with other as long as they have existed, though the Drovians are the more dominant tribe. Arms merchants and zwil pushers came to the planet soon after its first contact with the galaxy at large. The major city is Bagsho Free Port, built on wooden bridges suspended on stone over the marshland, protecting it from the frequent downpours as well as the acidic, flesh-eating fungus below. Ojom: Cold ocean world covered in giant glaciers that slowly move across the planet's surface. Each glacier supports a commune of Besalisk who call this planet home. Also has many space stations in orbit, most larger than any glacial commune, where all the spaceports are located. Ossus: Burned world of mountains and canyons. Destroyed in the Great Sith War during a massive supernova. Once a repository for Jedi knowledge and center for Jedi learning, it is thought to be the origin world of the Jedi order. Now populated with the force-wielding Ysanna (humans with natural force abilities). Pzob: Temporate, relatively flat forest world. Colonized by the Gammoreans, although no one knows how they managed to make it there. The settlements are primitive homes built from wood and stone. Roon: Cold world of plains, seas, and frozen wastes. Located in an astroid and gass filled region of space called the Cloak of the Sith, hyperspace travel to the planet is considered impossible. Its rotation period is such that one side of the planet is perpetually lit while the other is in darkness. Its residents, a mix of humans, near-humans, and aliens, arrived by travelling along the trails of the Rainbow comets which pass through the system once a year, illuminating the only safe path to the planet. The locals are tough and resiliant, preferring boats and ride animals to speeders. They have an annual Colonial Games where they engage in a no-holds-barred relay race, the most difficult being the climatic drainsweeper. It is also home to the native Mudmen (simple, silicon-based, rounded humanoids that look like drippy, waling piles of clay), who are sometimes broken apart into smaller versions of themselves with a spray of water and sold as pets. It is also the only source for Roonstones, fist-sized iridescent gems worth a fortune on the open market, but extremely hard to find even on the planet. The Port City of Nime, with its stone and wood buildings and docks on a cold sea, is one of the major settlements, as is the settlement of Tawntoom Citadel, located inside a mountain peak. Ryloth: Mountainous, desert planet with one side perpetually baked in sunlight and the other perpetually frozen in darkness. The native Twi'leks grew and survive in the twilight between the light and dark sides of the planet, living in underground mountain dwellings. Large portcullis secure the cave labrynth leading up to Twi'lek cities like Kala'uun, where thousands of Twi'lek live by growing editable fungus, raising livestock, and mining ryll spice, and protect them from predators and frequent and violent heat storms. Sullust: Scorching, volcanic world with many underground caverns. Home to the Sullustians. Its cities are massive caves with labrynths of tunnels and buildings. SoroSuub, one of the galaxy's largest manufacturing conglomerates, employs half of the population in mining, packaging, and production. It is also the governmental body for the planet, with its headquarters located in the capital city. The relaxing hot springs of Piringliisi are also a major tourist attraction. Tatooine: Desert world baked by twin suns. Home to the Tusken Raiders. An infrequent stop-over for smugglers and travellers of the Outer Rim. Yablari: Agraian world with some of the best food-processing technology in the galaxy. Home to the Anomid. * CORPORATE SECTOR * Inside the Outer Rim. Ruled by Corporate Sector Authority. Ammuud: Cool, mountainous world with an underground network of major rivers. Originally settled by colonists from Thokos, it eventually lost contact with its homeworld and fell into open rivalry between its seven clans, each named after one of the colony ships that settled the planet: Reesbon, Tikeris, Owphrin, Melchett, Almowri, Odoon, and Glayyd. The head of each clan is called a Mor. Bonadan: Bleak, cracked wasteland world with several factories and mining operations. Its ten spaceports are always active with ore barges, passenger liners, freight haulers, military cruisers, and commercial starships. The natural resources are beginning to run dry, as much of its ores have been strip-mined away. No weapons are permitted on the planet, save for those used by police officials. Specialized detectors are visible on every street corner to enforce this decree. Etti IV: A planet of shallow seas and mossy plains. It is one of the wealthiest worlds of the Corporate Sector, with many private luxury estates. It is also known as a haven for thieves, pickpockets, swindlers, and crimelords. Many exotic and rare items are for sale outside of its spaceports. The Free-Flight Dance Dome is a popular attraction, featuring a zero-g dance atmosphere. Near-humans called Etti (slightly-elongated, thin, near-humans) are in charge of the planet. * WILD SPACE * On the far edge of the Outer Rim. The ragged fringe of cilivization before the Unknown Regions. Almania: Cold, wind-swept planet with mountains and plains. It has three inhabitable moons, Auyemesh, Drewwa, and Pydyr. Ruled by the Je'har, a group of humanoid officials. Points of interest include the Great Dome of the Je'har, where the ruling body meets in a tall tower of the building, and the Canopy Forest of Mem'Kabarr, known for its wildlife predators. Pydyr: One of the three inhabitable moons of Almania long famed for its legendary wealth. Homeworld to the aloof Pydyrians (humanoids with elongated heads, long arms and fingers, and legs that bend back the wrong way). Cities are build of mudbrick and decorated with frescoes of sparkling seafah jewels, usually positioned on hillsides near the shoreline. Droids move about throughout the cities, performing repairs and keeping things running smoothly. Corocus is a prominant city, with its Seaside Exchange Market and Sunset Piers being promenant points of interest. * UNKNOWN REGIONS * Unexplored edges of the galaxy outside of Wild Space. Nantuko: Former tundra world thawed into a dark swamp world by the radiation from a crashed Sith space-station. Once part of the Sith Empire. Sparcely populated by Swampas (dark-side force-using, swamp-dwelling Wampas).