Starship House Rules

This is a revision to the starship rules for the Star Wars RPG. Much of the system is left intact, as the rules are fairly good, but this revision makes them just right.

Starship Systems

Sensors can be used in one of four modes, each with its own bonuses and limitations. Sensor rolls are made using the Computer Use skill.
Mode Range Bonus to Roll Action Required
Passive Short (5) +0 Free Action
Scan Medium (10) +2 Move Action
Search Long (20), 1 arc only +4 Attack Action
Focus Extreme (40), 1 arc only +6 Full-Round

Starship Sensor Detection:
Size DC Size DC Size DC
Colossal 4 Large 10 Tiny 16
Gargantuan 6 Medium 12 Diminutive 18
Huge 8 Small 14 Fine 20
Sensor Range Modifiers:
Range to Target Distance in Hexes DC Modifier
Point-Blank 0-1 -4
Short 2-5 0
Medium 6-10 +2
Long 11-20 +4
Extreme 21-40 +8
Out of Range 41+ Impossible
Sensor Situation Modifiers:
Situation DC Modifier
Target is using scan, search, or focus mode -4
Target is powered down +4
Target is using sensor mask Varies
Target is concealed behind an object
3 sizes better than itself

Starship Combat

Starship Combat Actions:
Each crewman on a starship has 1 move action, 1 attack action, and at least 1 free action (if not more). What can be done with each action depends on what job a character has.

Commanders direct action on-board their ship.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Free Action Issue Simple commands None The crew carries out your orders (unless they don't want to)
Move Action Countermand orders None The commander clarifies the order for the crewman, so it is executed closer to what the commander wanted (unless the crewman doesn't listen)
Move Action Guide a crewman Charisma roll DC 10 The crewman gains a +2 morale bonus to their roll
Full-Round Action Issue a complex order None The crew coordinates their efforts into a complex action (unless they don't follow the order)

The pilot determines where the ship moves. Before taking any action, they must declare what speed the ship is operating at: Stationary, Docking, Cruising, Attack, or Ramming. Pilots who execute Full-Round Actions (because they are operating another ship system which requires a full-round action) place a -4 penalty on their ship's Defense until their next action, but may still move the ship as normal. Pilots who make attacks using non-front facing weapons suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls. Finally, a pilot may give up their next attack action to make a pilot roll at any time one is required.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Free Action Fly Defensively None Gain a +2 dodge bonus to defense, but all rolls made by anyone on-board have a -4 penalty; attack rolls have a -2 penalty
Free Action Make an attack run None Gain a +2 bonus to attacks, but take a -2 penalty to defense
Move Action Move the ship None Move the ship up to a number of hexes equal to the ship's current speed
Attack Action Movement Boost Pilot roll Increase the number of hexes the ship may move by up to 4
Attack Action Landing or Docking Varies See Page 220-221
Attack Action Avoid Missiles Pilot roll of varying DC Keep a missile from hitting your ship
Attack Action Establish pursuit Opposed Pilot roll against a ship in point-blank range Pursue a target
Attack Action Escape pursuit Opposed Pilot roll against a ship pursuing you Lose your pursuer
Attack Action Avoid hazards Pilot roll of varying DC Keep something from coming into contact with your ship
Attack Action Avoid point-defense systems Pilot roll of varying DC Reduce the effectiveness of point-defense systems
Attack Action Resist/escape tractor beam Pilot roll of varying DC Either keep a tractor beam from moving you, or escape it entirely if you succeed your roll by 10 or more

Though technically the title of gunner refers to characters who only operate a weapon station, the rules for gunners can apply to anyone using a weapon.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Move Action Switch fire-link modes None Change a fire-linked weapon from firing for increased damage to increased accuracy, or vice-versa
Attack Action Fire a weapon Attack roll Fire a single weapon at a single target
Full-Round Action Fire multiple weapons Multiple Attack rolls with a -2 penalty to each roll for each weapon being used Fire multiple weapons at a single target
Full-Round Action Fire a weapon in multi-fire mode 2 attack rolls with a -4 penalty to each roll Fire multiple shots at a single target
Full-Round Action Fire a weapon in auto-fire mode 3 attack rolls with a -4 penalty to each roll Fire multiple shots at a single target
Full-Round Action Fire a missile Attack roll Fire a single missile at a single target
Full-Round Action Make an Aimed Attack Attack roll with a +2 bonus Make a single attack with a +2 bonus, as per Aimed Attacks

Sensor Operator:
Sensor Operators keep track of what's happening on the battlefield so the crew can properly respond to threats.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Free Action Scan using passive mode Computer Use roll Identify objects within short range
Move Action Scan using scan mode Computer Use roll with +2 bonus Identify objects within medium range
Attack Action Scan using search mode Computer Use roll with +4 bonus Identify objects within long range
Full-Round Action Scan using focus mode Computer Use roll with +6 bonus Identify objects within extreme range
Attack Action Aid Attack Computer Use DC 20 Give one gunner a +2 to attack on their attack for the round
Attack Action Aid Defense Computer Use DC 20 Give the ship a +2 to Defense until its next action
Attack Action Help avoid hazards Assist roll using Computer Use Assist the pilot in avoiding hazards

It is the job of the engineer to keep the ship together during combat, and put it back together afterwards.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Move Action Reroute Power Repair roll of varying DC Take power from one system, or give more power to another system
Full-Round Action Jury-Rig Repair roll of varying DC Restore battle damage done to your ship for the duration of the encounter; destroyed systems may not be restored in this manner

Shield Operator:
The shield operator is in charge of keeping a ship's shields working.
Action Required Description Roll Required Effect
Move Action Angle Shields None Double shield points for one arc by taking them away from all other arcs
Attack Action Restore shields Computer Use roll of varying DC Restore a random amount of shield points

Starfighters and other ships with very small crews must prioritize what needs to be done in a round more, as they cannot do everything at once, while larger ships have the advantage of more people to fill out the roles and handle what needs to be done.

Crew Quality:
Crews have the following statistics for starship combat based on their quality:

Quality Level Attack Initative Skill Rolls Cost per Week per Crewman
Untrained 0 -2 -1 -4
Poor 1-2 +0 +0 +5
Normal 3-4 +1 +0 +8
Skilled 5-6 +2 +1 +11
Expert 7-8 +3 +2 +14
Veteran 9-10 +5 +3 +17
Ace 11+ +7 +4+20

Making Attack Rolls:
Attacks with starship weapons are calculated differently than normal attacks. First determine the character's normal ranged attack modifier without any modifiers specific to starship combat, such as starship Familiarity or Fire Control Systems. Divide this number in half, rounded down, and then apply any applicable starship bonuses or penalties.

The penalty for not being proficient with starship weaponry is only -2 instead of the typical -4. Piloting rolls still have a -4 penalty, however. Feats such as Rapid Shot and Far Shot may not be used to enhance starship combat.

Example: Chon Gui Muy has a base attack bonus of +8 and a Dexterity of 20, giving her another +5 to ranged attacks for a total of +13. By dividing this in half, rounded down, you have an attack bonus of +6. Since Chon Gui Muy has Starship Operations: Starfighter, she does not take the -2 penalty for using starfighter weapons. Additionally, since Chon Gui Muy has starship Familiarity of +1, she gains an additional +1 to attack when behind the guns of a ship she is used to using, for a total ranged attack modifier of +7. Were she to use the weaponry on a space transport (which she is not proficient in and not used to using), her attack bonus would only be +4 (+6 bonus, with a -2 for non-proficiency, equals +4 total bonus).

Range Modifiers:
All starship attacks must factor in the range to the target when making attacks.
Range Distance in Hexes Attack Modifier
Point-Blank 0-1 -0
Short 2-5 -2
Medium 6-10 -4
Long 11-20 -6

Point Blank Range:
At point-blank range capital ships may not bring more than one-quarter of their weapons to bare on a space transport, and not more than one-tenth of their weapons on a starfighter. Round down, with a minimum of 1. Additionally, at these ranges, capital ships suffer an additional penalty on their attacks based on their size:
Size Penalty to
Point-Blank Attacks
Large -2
Huge -4
Gargantuan -8
Colossal -16

Point-Defense Systems:
To defend against point-blank range attacks, capital ships mount point-defense systems. When active, all ships (friend or foe) within point-blank range takes damage from a barrage of blaster batteries. They may take evasive maneuvers to reduce the damage, but may not ignore it completely.

The DC to reduce the damage from a point-defense system is the same as the DC for a character to take vitality damage instead of wound damage from a starship weapon (see below). If successful, reduce the damage by half, rounded down.

Weapon Batteries:
Capital ships and space transports may be place their weapons in weapon batteries. This gives the weapon a +4 bonus to attack, and adds an extra die to the damage for every 5 points by which the attack roll exceeds the target's defense. Multiply the emplacement point requirement and credit cost by 5 for the weapon battery.

Fire-Linked Weapons:
Starfighters and space transports may link groups of identical weapons, setting them to fire at the same time at a single target. This allows them to either deal increased damage or have a better chance to hit (attacker's choice). Fire-linked weapons are added in doubles (2, 4, 8, etc). Batteries may not be fire-linked, but missile systems can.

Number of
Total Weapons
Bonus to
Bonus to
Emplacement Points
Credit Cost
2 +1 +2 +1 +1000
4 +2 +4 +3 +3000
8 +3 +6 +7 +7000
16 +4 +8 +15 +15000

Computer systems can enhance a gunner's ability to hit targets greatly. This increased accuracy comes at a cost of additional control systems, making the weapon more expensive and take up more space. Fire-control systems are applied to individual weapons, modifying each accordingly.

Fire-Control Bonus Additional
Emplacement Points
Credit Cost
+1 +1 +1000
+2 +2 +5000
+3 +3 +10000
+4 +4 +20000

Missile Weapons:
Missiles are somewhat unique in the way they work in starship combat. First, to accurately fire a missile outside of point-blank range requires the gunner to take a full-round action (missiles may be fired as a standard attack at point-blank range only). If the attack roll is successful, missiles home in on their target, closing the distance until a collision occurs. The time it takes a missile to hit its target depends on what range it was launched at. Missiles hit their target at the end of the round in which they have 0 rounds left until they strike.

Distance When Launched Number of Hexes Rounds to Strike
Point-Blank 0-1 0
Short 2-5 0
Medium 6-10 1
Long 11-20 2

Unlike standard attacks, there is a chance to avoid missile strikes. Targets of successful missile attacks may choose to either take evasive maneuvers to avoid the missile, or attempt to shoot it down. The DCs for either action depend on the type of missile fired and the number of rounds until it strikes. Shooting down a missile is usually easiest when it has 0 rounds left until it strikes, while dodging a missile is easiest when it still has 1 round left until it strikes. Missiles continue to their target until they are either dodged, shot down, or impact with something.

Starship Damage

Pilot Vitality:
The pilot of a starship has a lot of control over its fate. Whenever a starship takes damage, a pilot may reduce the damage dealt to the ship by taking 10 points of vitality damage. Only the pilot of starfighter or space transport may spend their vitality in this way.

Battle Damage:
When a ship has taken half its hull points in damage, it begins taking battle damage. Each time it takes a hit, roll 1d20, add it to the damage dealt by the attack, and consult the table below, applying the result to the ship. If a system doesn't exist or is already effected b battle damage, use the next higher damage result. Attackers may opt for a lesser result on this tabel, if desired. Battle damage remains until it is repaired.

Roll + Damage System Damaged Effect Repair DC
1-5 Non-essential system down Lights, air-conditioning, hatch operation, or some other non-essential system is not functioning 10
6-10 Stabilizer damaged -2 to pilot and attack rolls 15
11-16 Sensors damaged -4 to any sensor use rolls 15
16-20 Computers damaged -2 to astrogate rolls, -1 to attack rolls 15
21-25 Ion engines damaged Ship moves at half-speed 20
26-30 Shield generator damaged Any attacks from the arc from which the attack originated go straight to hull damage 20
31-35 Weapon system damaged One entire weapon system is non-operable 20
36-40 Hyperdrive damaged Triple the multiple of the ship's hyperdrive 20
41-45 Computers destroyed Astrogate checks have a DC of 30, fire-control mofidiers are reduced to 0, and all attacks have a -2 penalty 20
46-50 Ion engines destroyed The ship may not move 25
51-55 Shield generator destroyed All shield points are gone, and do not regenerate 20
56-60 Weapon system destroyed One entire weapon system is non-operable 15
61-65 Hyperdrive destroyed The main hyperdrive no longer functions; the backup hyperdrive functions until this type of damage occurs again 25
66+ Widespread damage Make 2 rolls on this table, adding half the damage total to each roll NA

Larger ships are more resilient to battle damage. When a ship of huge, gargantuan, or colossal size takes battle damage, instead of immediately applying the damage, instead record that the system was hit. When a system has taken a number of hits (2 for huge, 3 for gargantual, or 4 for colossal), then apply the result of the battle damage.

Called Shots:
Attackers may attempt to knock out a starship's systems instead of merely blasting it to pieces. In this case, the attacker takes a -4 penalty to their attack roll. If their attack is successful, they roll battle damage on the battle damage table instead of dealing damage.

Repairing Damage:
Repairing hull damage takes one full hour to do. Divide the result of the repair check by 5 (rounded down) to determine how much damage is restored.

Shield damage automatically returns at the rate of 1 point per minute. A character may spend a full round action to restore shield points to a starship, as listed below. Each additional roll made to restore shields during a scene has a cumilative +5 penalty.

Computer Use
Check Result
Starfighter Transport Capital Ship
10-14 1d4 1d6 1d8
15-19 2d4 2d6 2d8
20-24 3d4 3d6 3d8
25-29 4d4 4d6 4d8
30+ 5d4 5d6 5d8

Ion Weapons:
Ion weapons function much as normal weapons, but do not deal hull damage. Instead, in any situation where an ion weapon would deal hull damage, instead apply battle damage using the standard rules for battle damage.

Tractor Beams:
Tractor beams are concentrated energy beams capable of moving objects at a distance. Catching a target in a tractor beam requires an attack roll. If successful, the target is caught and may not move. Make a "damage" roll for the tractor beam to determine how effectively its victim is caught. This total is the DC for a Pilot check to resist its grasp (i.e. the beam's operator may not move the ship). If the resist roll succeeds by 10 or more, the ship may escape the tractor beam completely. As an attack action, the tractor beam operator may move a captured target a number of hexes equal to its "damage" roll divided by 5, rounded down.

Starship Maneuvers

Speed Categories:
A starship announces its speed at the start of a scene, and may change it at the start of their action, if desired. They may move up to a number of hexes equal to their speed (they may effectively stand still, if desired). A ship's defense modifier increases as it travels faster, but it also becomes harder to control and harder for its occupants to shoot at targets.

Speed Category Max Movement (in hexes) Defense Modifier Attack/Piloting Modifier
Stationary 0 -4 +0
Docking 1 -2 +0
Cruising 2-4 +0 -1
Attack 5-8 +2 -2
Ramming 9+ +4 -4

One of the most dangerous positions a starship can be in is that of pursuit by another starship. When pursuing a target, a starship moves in the exact smae manner as the ship it pursues. It may ignore its target's speed modifiers to defense. The pursued ship may only attack the ship pursuing it with rear and turrent mounted weaponry. If during its turn the pursued ship does not attempt to escape, the pursuing ship is allowed to make an additional attack with one of its weapons.

To pursue a ship, the pursuing ship must be capable of moving at equal or greater speeds. Establishing pursuit requires an opposed Pilot roll, costing both pilots an attack action. If the pursued pilot beats the Pilot roll of their attacker, they avoid pursuit. If they beat it by 10 or more they may turn the tables and may pursue their would-be attacker instead.

Strafing Runs:
To avoid the main weapons of a capital ship, starfighers and space transports may make strafing runs. Doing so requires a Pilot roll with a DC of 17 against Colossal ships, DC 21 against Gargantuan, DC 23 verses Huge, and DC 25 verses Large ships. If successful, the target ship may not attack with any of its weapons except for point-defense systems. If the roll fails, the pilot must make a roll to avoid a collision.

Ramming and Collisions:
The damage from a starship collision is dependant on the size of the ship and the speed at which it was moving. Use the smallest ship size and the fastest ship speed for determining collision damage. Ramming attempts require an opposed Pilot roll between the ramming pilot and the defending pilot to be successful.

Ship Size Number of Dice
Fine 2
Diminuitive 3
Tiny 4
Small 5
Medium 6
Large 7
Huge 8
Gargantuan 10
Colossal 12
Speed Damage Dice
Docking d4
Crusing d6
Attack d8
Ramming d10

Apply the damage to both ships.

Avoiding a collision requires the pilot to make a Pilot roll with a DC based on the speed at which the ship is moving.

Speed Pilot DC
Docking 10
Crusing 15
Attack 20
Ramming 25

Engine Wash:
Occasionally a ship ends up in the path of another ship's engine exhaust, exposing them to heat and radiation. In these cases, engine wash damage applies. The damage is based on the size of the ship dealing the engine wash damage.

Ship Size Damage
Fine 1d3
Diminuitive 1d4
Tiny 1d6
Small 1d8
Medium 1d10
Large 2d10
Huge 3d10
Gargantuan 4d10
Colossal 5d10

Starfighter Wing:
Starfighters may travel in wing formation to increase their firepower at the cost of versitility. When in a wing, use the worst characteristics of any ship in the wing, from attack and damage rolls to pilot checks, for determining the performance of the wing. When making attacks, each additional ship in the wing increases the main ship's attack roll by +1, up to +4, and allows the attack to function as a weapon battery, dealing additional damage with higher attack rolls. For simplicity sake, treat all damage dealt to the wing as dealt to a single ship until it is destroyed.

Quick Turn, Tight Loops:
These stunts were not well-thought out, and are no longer in the game.

Starships Against Characters:
Occassionally characters will come in direct conflict with starships, often with deadly results. Against starships, personal weapons have little effect, and against characters, starship weapons can obliterate with a single hit.

Because of their size, characters receive a bonus to attack starships, and starships receive a penalty to attack characters based on their size. This modifier applies directly to the ship's attacks and defense. Double bonuses to starship defense based on its speed when going against characters.

Starship Size Character Size Bonus to Be Hit By Characters Penalty to Attack Characters
Fine Large +9 -9
Diminutive Huge +6 -6
Tiny Gargantuan +6 -6
Small Colossal +9 -9
Medium Colossal+ +12 -12
Large Colossal+ +15 -15
Huge Colossal+ +18 -18
Gargantuan Colossal+ +20 -20
Colossal Colossal+ +20 -20

When a personal scale weapon deals damage to a starship, divide the damage dealt by 10, rounded down, and apply the result. This may result in no damage at all to a starship. When starship weapons deal damage to characters, the resulting hit is automatically dealt straight to wounds, unless the character can make a Reflex save with a DC based on the number and type of damage die:
Number of Dice Reflex Save Modifier
1 +1
2 +2
3 +3
4 +4
5 +5
Type of Die Reflex Save DC
d4 12
d6 14
d8 16
d10 18
d12 20

Starship Construction

Size and Class:
Size Size
Class Length
(metric tons)
150 Colossal -8 Capital 1,001-2,500 5,000+
100 Gargantuan -4 Capital 501-1,000 3,500-4,999
48 Huge -2 Capital 251-500 2,000-3,499
24 Large -1 Capital 101-250 500-1,999
12 Medium +0 Transport 50.1-100 200-499
3 Small +1 Transport 20.1-50 50-199
1 Tiny +2 Starfighter 10.1-20 20-49
1 Diminuitive +4 Starfighter 5.1-10 5-19
1 Fine +8 Starfighter 5 or less 1-4
All ships have a base defense of 15.

Ship Size Restrictions
0 30,001-50,000 Colossal
1 15,001-30,000 Gargantuan or Colossal
2 2,501-15,000 Large, Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal
3 1,001-2,500 Large, Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal
4 701-1,000 Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan
5 101-700 Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan
6 65-100 Medium, Large, or Huge
7 17-64 Small, Medium, or Large
8 5-16 Small or Medium
9 3-4 Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
10 1-2 Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, or Small

Life Support:
Max. Sustainable
Ship Size
0 0 Any
1 1-2 Any
4 5-16 Diminutive or greater
6 17-32 Tiny or greater
8 33-64 Small or greater
10 65-120 Small or greater
12 121-200 Medium or greater
15 201-300 Medium or greater
18 301-425 Medium or greater
21 426-500 Medium or greater
24 501-850 Medium or greater
29 851-1,500 Medium or greater
34 1,501-3,000 Medium or greater
39 3,001-8,000 Medium or greater
44 8,001-20,000 Medium or greater
50 20,001-50,000 Large or greater

Cargo Capacity Ship Size
0 0 kg Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny
1 1-65 kg Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
2 66-110 kg Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
3 111-500 kg Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
4 501 kg - 1 metric ton Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large
5 1.1 to 10 metric tons Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Huge
6 11-50 metric tons Small or greater
7 51-100 metric tons Small or greater
11 101-500 metric tons Small or greater
15 151-200 metric tons Small or greater
20 201-500 metric tons Medium or greater
25 501-1000 metric tons Medium or greater
30 101-5,000 metric tons Medium or greater
35 5,001-20,000 metric tons Medium or greater
45 20,001-35,000 metric tons Large or greater
55 35,001-50,000 metric tons Large or greater
65 50,001-65,000 metric tons Large or greater
75 65,001-80,000 metric tons Large or greater
85 80,001-100,000 metric tons Large or greater

Ship Size
0 1 day Any
1 2 days Any
2 3 days Any
3 1 week Diminutive or greater
4 2 weeks Tiny or greater
5 3 weeks Small or greater
6 1 month Small or greater
7 2 months Small or greater
8 3 months Small or greater
9 6 months Small or greater
10 9 months Medium or greater
11 1 year Medium or greater
12 1.5 years Medium or greater
13 2 years Medium or greater
14 3 years Medium or greater
15 4 years Large or greater
16 5 years Large or greater
17 6 years Large or greater

1 x6
2 x3
7 x2
14 x1.5
21 x1
50 x0.75 Only as a major modification
75 x0.5 Only as a major modification
1 x12
2 x10-11
3 x8-9
4 x4-x7

Ion Engines:
Maximum Speed (Hexes) Maneuverability Check Modifiers Ship Size
2 Cruising (2) Poor -4 Pilot Any
3 Cruising (3) Poor -2 Pilot Any
4 Cruising (4) Average Any
6 Attack (6) Average Gargantuan or smaller
8 Attack (8) Average Huge or smaller
10 Ramming (9) Average Medium or smaller
12 Ramming (10) Average Small or smaller
20 Ramming (11) Good +2 Pilot, +1 Attack Tiny or smaller
30 Ramming (12) Good +3 Pilot, +1 Attack Tiny or smaller
40 Ramming (13) Good +4 Pilot, +2 Attack Diminutive or smaller

Ship Size
0 0 Any
1 1 Any
2 2 Any
3 3-6 Any
5 7-12 Diminutive or greater
7 13-18 Tiny or greater
10 19-24 Small or greater
15 25-30 Medium or greater
20 31-40 Large or greater
30 41-50 Huge or greater
40 51-60 Gargantuan or greater
60 61-70 Gargantuan or greater
180 71-80 Gargantuan or greater
240 81-110 Gargantuan or greater
You may take Shields of the next bracket above your size restriction for double the normal Construction Points.

Ship Size
0 2-8 Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
1 9-12 Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
2 13-18 Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
3 19-24 Tiny, or Small
5 25-30 Tiny, Small, or Medium
7 31-36 Small, Medium, Large, or Huge
9 37-48 Medium, Large, or Huge
14 49-60 Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan
19 61-72 Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan
24 73-96 Large or greater
30 97-120 Huge or greater
40 121-140 Huge or greater
60 141-160 Huge or greater
80 161-200 Huge or greater

Weapons Suite:
Ship Size
0 0 Any
1 1-4 Any
2 5-8 Any
3 9-13 Any
6 14-18 Diminutive or greater
9 19-32 Tiny or greater
12 33-46 Small or greater
17 47-60 Medium or greater
22 61-90 Medium or greater
32 91-150 Large or greater
42 151-210 Huge or greater
57 211-270 Huge or greater
72 271-360 Huge or greater
92 361-450 Gargantuan or Colossal
110 451-550 Gargantuan or Colossal
135 551-700 Gargantuan or Colossal
170 701-900 Colossal
210 901-1,100 Colossal
260 1,101-1,300 Colossal
320 1,301-1,600 Colossal
400 1,601-2,000 Colossal

Base Price:
Cost by Construction Points
10, +1
50k, +.5k
20, +1
55k, +.75k
30, +1
65k, +1k
40, +1
80k, +1.5k
50, +1
100k, +2k
60, +1
125k, +2.5k
70, +1
155k, +5k
80, +1
215k, +10k
90, +1
325k, +15k
100, +1
490k, +20k
110, +1
715k, +25k
120, +1
1m, +30k
130, +1
1.33m, +35k
140, +1
2.05m, +40k
150, +1
2.49m, +50k
160, +1
3.04m, +60k
170, +1
3.7m, +80k
180, +1
4.58m, +100k
190, +1
5.68m, +120k
200, +1
7m, +140k
210, +1
8.54m, +160k
220, +1
10.3m, +180k
230, +1
12.28m, +200k
240, +1
14.48m, +225k
500, +1
72.98m, +250k
1,000, +1
197.98m, +500k
1,500, +1
447.98m, +1m
2,000, +1
947.98m, +1.5m

Weapon Formulas:
Starship weapons can be created using a few simple formulas. The first step is to determine the class of the weapon, which determines all of the base characteristics of the weapon. From there the weapon's characteristics may be increased or decreased, altering the weapon's cost and emplacement cost. The worst possible weapon would have 1d4 damage with point-blank range, and the best possible weapon would have 5d12 damage with long range.

Characteristic Starfighter Transport Capital Ship per Decrease per Increase
Number of Dice 2 3 4 -2 emp, -3000 credits +3 emp, +4000 credits
Size of Dice d6 d8 d10 -1 emp, -1000 credits +2 emp, +1000 credits
Maximum Range Short Medium Long -3 emp, -2000 credits +4 emp, +3000 credits
Number of Missiles 4 8 12 -1 emp, -1000 credits +1 emp, +2000 credits
Emplacement Points 4 5 6
Cost 1000 3000 5000

There are a variety of options that may modify a weapon, changing its emplacement and credit costs.

Characteristic Emplacement Point Cost Credit Cost Special
Multifire +1 +2000
Autofire +2 +3000
Fire-Linked varies varies Starfighter and transport only
Fire-Control varies varies
Partial Turret +1 +1000
Full Turret +2 +2000
Battery x5 x5 Transport and captial only
Point-Defense System x20 x20 Capital only
Ion +2 +3000 May not also be a tractor beam
Tractor Beam +1 +2000 May not also deal ion damage

Placing Weapon Systems:
You may not mount a weapon outside of your class. Medium-size and greater ships cannot have more than half of their weapon emplacement points (and hence their weapon systems) in the same firing arc, with turreted weapons counting as their own arc.

Weapon Listing:
Blasters Damage Max Range Fire Mode Emplacement
Cost Class
Autoblaster 2d6 Short (5) Autofire 6 4000 Starfighter
Triple Blaster 2d4 Short (5) Multifire 4 2000 Starfighter
Light Blaster Cannon 1d4 Short (5) Multifire 2 500 Starfighter
Blaster Cannon 2d6 Short (5) Multifire 5 3000 Starfighter
Heavy Blaser Cannon 2d8 Short (5) Multifire 7 4000 Starfighter
Lasers Damage Max Range Fire Mode Emplacement
Cost Class
Twin Laser Cannon 2d4 Short (5) Multifire 4 2000 Starfighter
Point Laser Cannon 2d4 Short (5) 3 500 Starfighter
Light Laser Cannon 2d6 Short (5) 4 1000 Starfighter
Laser Cannon 2d8 Short (5) 5 2000 Starfighter
Heavy Laser Cannon 2d10 Short (5) 8 3000 Starfighter
Assault Laser Cannon 2d12 Short (5) 10 4000 Starfighter
Quad Laser Cannon 3d12 Short (5) Autofire 8 6000 Transport
Escort Quad Laser Cannon 3d8 Medium (10) Autofire 7 6000 Transport
Longshot Quad Laser Cannon 3d10 Long (20) Autofire 13 10000 Transport
Turbolasers Damage Max Range Fire Mode Emplacement
Cost Class
Double Turbolaser Cannon 3d10 Long (20) Multifire 12 9000 Transport
Heavy Double Turbolaser Cannon 4d8 Long (20) Multifire 6 6000 Capital
Light Turbo Quadlasers 4d8 Long (20) Autofire 7 7000 Capital
Turbo Quadlasers 4d10 Long (20) Autofire 8 8000 Capital
Turbolaser Cannons 4d6 Long (20) 4 3000 Capital
Light Turbolaser 4d8 Long (20) 5 4000 Capital
Medium Turbolaser 4d10 Long (20) 6 5000 Capital
Turbolaser 4d12 Long (20) 8 6000 Capital

Missile Listing:
Type of Missile Damage Piloting DC to Dodge Defense vs Attacks Minimum
Missile Slots
0 rds 1 rd 2 rds 0 rds 1 rd 2 rds
Concussion Missile 2d8 35 25 30 29 30 32 Starfighter 0.5
Heavy Concussion Missile 3d8 33 23 27 27 29 31 Transport 1
Assault Concussion Missile 4d8 31 21 26 26 28 30 Capital Ship 2
Energy Torpedo 2d10 30 20 25 26 28 30 Starfighter 1
Proton Torpedo 3d10 28 18 23 25 27 29 Starfighter 2
Heavy Proton Torpedo 4d10 26 16 21 24 26 28 Transport 3
A launcher may only have one type of missile loaded in it at a time.

Additional Systems List:
There are several other systems which a starship may have. They are summarized below.

Cost: varies, Requirements: negligible
Effect: Allows the ship to communicate with others.
System Range Quality Cost
Comm Planetary Audio 1000
Video Comm Planetary Audio and video 1500
Subspace transeiver System-wide Audio, video, and holo 3000
Hypertransceiver Galactic Audio, video, and holo 10000
HoloNet transceiver Galactic Audio, video, and holo, plus HoloNet access 250000

Enhanced Sensors:
Cost: 2000/5000, Requirements: negligible
Effect: +2/+4 bonus to sensor rolls

Enhanced Nav Computer:
Cost: 5000/10000, Requirements: negligible
Effect: +2/+4 bonus to astrogate rolls

Armor Plates:
Cost: 10/20/30 Construction Points
Effect: Gain a permanent DR of 2/4/6 at the cost of a -4/-6/-8 penalty on Pilot checks.

Maneuvering Systems:
Cost: +5 Construction Points
Effect: Adds an equipment bonus to pilot checks, from +1 to +3. Doesn't stack with ion engine or other equipment bonuses. Gargantuan and larger ships may not have a +3 system, and Colossal ships may not have anything beyond a +1 system. The cost is 5 for starfighters and transports, but for capital ships the construction point cost is multiplied by an amount equal to the ship's size modifier.

Personal Scale Weapon:
Cost: As weapon, Requirements: 1 emplacement point
Effect: The ship has a personal scale weapon for use against targets within range (treat as if fired from a medium-size individual). This weapon is completely ineffective in starship combat.

Backup Shield Generators:
Cost: see table, Requirements: see table
Effect: Double shield point regeneration
Ship Size Credit Cost Emplacement Cost
Colossal 500000 30
Gargantuan 192000 15
Huge 96000 10
Large 48000 8
Medium 12000 6
Small 6000 5
Tiny 3000 4
Diminutive 2000 3
Fine 1000 2

Escape Pods:
Cost: 20000 each, Requirements: 10 metric tons each
Effect: Gain additional escape pods. Ships come with a number of free escape pods based on their size. Standard escape pods hold up to 8 people.
Ship Size Number of Free Escape Pods
Colossal 24
Gargantuan 18
Huge 12
Large 6
Medium 3
Small 2
Tiny or less 0

Gravity Well Projector:
Cost: 50000, Requirements: 100 emplacement points
Effect: Interfers with hyperspace travel for 5 minutes once activated. Takes 1 minute to activate. Has a range of point-blank, with each additional projector increasing the range by one category.

Stygium Crystal Cloak:
Cost: 150,000,000, Requirements: 1 metric ton
Effect: Renders the ship undetectable both visually and to sensors. Completely undetectable by any means when stationary, not communicating, and not attacking. Can be detected at short range if it moves or communicates, but with a +10 to the DC. Location is given away if it attacks. Attacks against it have a 50% chance of missing, and the attacker must guess at its location.

Hibridum Cloaking Device:
Cost: 250,000, Requirements: 250 metric tons
Effect: As Stygium Crystal Cloak, except that when active the ship cannot make scans.

Sensor Masks:
Cost: see table, Requirements: see table
Effect: Increases the DC to detect a ship using scanners
Sensor Mask Quality Cost DC Modifier
Marginal 20000 +2
Ordinary 40000 +4
Good 80000 +6
Amazing 150000 +8

Converting Old Starships:
Converting a starship to this system is fairly simple. First, divide its shield and hull points by 5, keeping in mind any applicable maximums (see construction tables above). Divide any fire-control modifiers by 2. Treat its weapon systems as dealing damage as listed above. Finally, subtract 5 points from its defense, and ignore any damage reduction it may have.