Support Where one function falls behind or the group requires the uses of an absent function, the Support picks up the slack. Support are the unsung heroes whose roles are undefined, yet highly specialized. Though non-descript in their function, Support round out the rough patches in a group. Role: A Support fulfills the needs of the unit in areas not designated by other functions. They lack any definite purpose, other than supporting the group overall. However, whatever responsibility that they assume, they are highly trained and specialized in. Characteristics: Support are versatile, yet specialized. They can focus in on a task without compromising their ability to fulfill any other role placed upon them. They take on a variety of tasks and are required to complete them simultaneously. They are multi-functional in their attempts to support the group as a whole. Background: Support are usually trained in a several roles and then specialize into more specific purposes. Their training most often comes from formal education in a civilian vocation, but when the need arises they always find a place in the field of battle. Support can also come from their observation of what the group lacks and then filling in the void. Transformations: Invariably, Support take on transformations that match their particular roles. They take on modes that are convenient for their purpose and helps in the execution of their responsibilities. Specialization is a must when it comes to the design of the transformation. More often than not, they take an object mode for this purpose. Vehicle modes are less common, but do occur. One almost never sees a Support take a beast mode. Favored Tech Spec: Endurance
Sub-Routine Descriptions Bonus Upgrade: Support by their very nature are masters of both versitility and specialization. At 1st level and every 2 levels afterwards, a Support may take a bonus Upgrade as indicated on the Upgrade List. They must still meet all prerequistites for these Upgrades. Adroit: Drawing upon a wide array of talents allows Support to make the best of situations where their training is lacking. At 2nd level, Support add +4 to any Luck saves made to use a Program which cannot be used unprogrammed. Speciality: Focusing in on their function in a group, Support can tailor their abilities to best fulfill their purpose. At 4th level Support gain a 1st level Sub-Routine from another Function as their own. As Support progress in level, they gain new specialties, allowing them to take a 2nd level Sub-Routine at 8th level, 3rd at 12th, 4th at 16th, and 5th at 20th level. These Sub-Routines do not necessarily have to come from the same Function. Use Support level in place of any specific Function levels for a Sub-Routine. Versatile: While being specialists in specific areas, Support often need to work outside of their training. At 6th level, Support may Take a 10 on a Program check even if they lack Program Slots in that Program. Reliable: The best Support learn to overcome problems as they arrise. At 10th level Support no longer gain a Cold Marker when they roll a 2 on a d20. This Sub-Routine still applies when any effect that extends their Cold Marker range, reducing the top number of the range by 1. For example, a character who would normally gain Cold Markers on a d20 roll of 1, 2, or 3 and who has this Sub-Routine would only gain Cold Markers on a roll of 1 or 2. At 18th level Support's Cold Marker range reduces one point further. Dependable: After a time, the talents of a Support become so good that they can overcome obstacles that might cripple another person. At 14th level Support may reroll any failed Program Check for a Program which they have 10 or more levels in. They may only make one such reroll per failed check, and must accept the result of the second roll. |