Warrior In every battlefield, in every fire-fight, stands the Warrior. They are the core to every military organization and the backbone of every expeditiary force. No unit, civilian or military, should be without a Warrior. Role: Warriors are the fighters of any organized group. Their combative skills provide the necessary support for the protection for the group. At the same time, they provide excellent firepower for any offensive action that maybe required of them. Characteristics: Warriors are all-round fighters. Whether at great distance or even in the sprawl of melee, warriors are at their best when in a fight. Warriors are best capable for any offensive; either in stand-up fire-fights or more covert seek-and-destroy missions. Unlike Demolitions, Warriors are disciplined fighters. They do not simply charge into the middle of a fight without some forethought or plan of action. However, unlike Commanders, they do not stand back and organize everything down to the last detail. Background: Most Warriors are brought up in rigid training organizations. There, they learn how to fight and basic tactics. Other times, Warriors are self-trained individuals who learned their skills from where ever or whoever they could. In any case, a Warrior is forged in the field of battle and tempered in the heat of combat. Transformations: A Warrior's transformation generally reflects their style and choice of combat. Whether it is a predatory dinosaur, a fighter jet, or a powerful handgun, a Warrior always assumes an aggressive transformation; one in which they often have ready access to their weapons. Mobility and versatility are the key Upgradeures that a Warrior looks for in their mode. The former to close the gap in combat or to widen it; the latter to adapt to the unpredictable nature of a fight. As a result, it is rarer to see a Warrior assume a object transformation. Favored Tech Spec: Strength
Sub-Routine Descriptions Bonus Weapon Upgrade: Being well-armed is one of the things every Warrior aspires towards. At 1st level and every 6 levels afterwards, the Warrior gains an additional Weapon Upgrade. A Warrior must still meet any prerequisites for these bonus Upgrades. Bonus Combat Upgrade: Specialization and versitility in combat is the trademark of the Warrior. At 2nd level and every 2 levels afterwards, the Warrior gains a bonus Upgrade as indicated on the Upgrade List. A Warrior must still meet any prerequisites for these bonus Upgrades. Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: As times goes on, Warriors learn to use a variety of weapons. At 3rd level and every 6 levels afterwards, the Warrior gains any two Weapon Proficiencies they currently do not have. Bonus Program Focus Upgrade: Good Warriors make sure they can handle themselves in combat situations. At 5th level and every 6 levels afterwards, the Warrior gains a bonus Program Focus Upgrade for one of their Warrior Function-Programs. |