A Function is an overall purpose behind what a Transformer does. It dictates how effective they are in combat as well as in peace. Functions define what it is that a Transformer does and is meant to do.
The eight Functions a Transformer may begin play and normally take are as follows:
- Commander (CMD): A true leader, providing strength and guidance for the troops he commands.
- Demolitions (DEM): A fierce combatant who use raw firepower and physical strength to conquer foes.
- Engineer (ENG): A master of mechanical things, able to craft wonders and bring life back into dying machines.
- Espionage (ESP): A gatherer of secrets and master of tricks, conquering enemies with guile instead of force.
- Reconnaisance (REC): A cunning scout who moves unseen to bring vital reports to those in command.
- Scientist (SCI): The brains of an outfit, often saving the day with science and wisdom.
- Support (SUP): An adaptable collegue, completing any team though versitility and specialization.
- Warrior (WAR): A fighter with exceptional combat prowess and skill.
Unlike true machines, Transformers have the ability to define their own purpose as they go up in Character Level. With each increase in Character Level, a character may take an additional Function Level. Each Function Level gives a character additional abilities which further their overall ability to accomplish their self-designed purpose.
As a character gains Function Levels, they gain the following benefits:
Root Attack Bonus (Att)
A character's Root Attack Bonus represents their general effectiveness at striking opponents in combat. Any attack roll a character makes has a base bonus equal to their total Root Attack Roll total. For each 5 points of Root Attack Bonus a character has beyond +1, they may gain an additional attack when executing the Full-Attack option, but at a cumilative -5 penalty to each additional attack. For example, a character with a base attack of +12 would make three attacks when executing a Full-Attack: the first at +12, the second at +7, and the last at +2. Most attacks are augmented by a character's Skill Tech Spec Modifier. Any bonuses to attack rolls still apply to each attack a character may make.
Root Defense Bonus (Def)
A character's Root Defense Bonus represents their general effectiveness at avoiding attacks in combat. The DC to strike a character with an attack is equal to 10 plus their Speed Tech Spec Modifier plus their Root Defense Bonus.
Saving Throws
Saving Throws are the character's last resorts against dangers they encounter. Each Saving Throw represents a different aspect of hwo well a character may avoid a type of disaster. Each is added to a d20 roll. The Saving Throws are:
Fortitude (Fort): Fortitude represents a character's ability to stand up to physical punishment and attacks against their system as a whole. Apply your Endurance Tech Spec Modifier to Fortitude saves.
Luck (Luck): Luck covers the intangible hand that fate plays in the events of a character, how sometimes things either fall into place or fall apart for them. Apply your Rank Tech Spec Modifier to Luck Saves.
Reflex (Refl): Reflex represents a character's ability to dodge, duck, or otherwise avoid area-of-effect attacks as well as move out of harm from sudden dangers. Apply your Speed Tech Spec Modifier to Reflex Saves.
Willpower (Will): Willpower is a character's mental resolve, their ability to put mind over matter and overcome limitations and boundries placed on them. Apply your Courage Tech Spec Modifier to Willpower Saves.
Increased Equipment Capacity (Equ)
As a character becomes more specialized, they are able to incorporate more systems into their body, allowing them to carry more Equipment. A character's starting Equipment Capacity is equal to their Strength Tech Spec, and increases as the character gains Function Levels. At each Level increase a character may redefine what Equipment they carry.
Increased Transformation Capacity (Trn)
As characters progress, they are able to better refine their Transformations, providing them with a greater Transformation Capacity. A character's starting Transformation Capacity is equal to their Rank Tech Spec, and increases as the character gains Function Levels. At each Level increase a character may redefine their Transformation Properties.
Reputation (Rep)
As characters accomplish more and more, tales of their deeds spread. Those that hear these stories treat the character in a different way because of them. This translates into a Reputation Modifier, applied to certain Program rolls, based on how the character is seen and whether or not someone has heard of them or not. Many times Reputation can make a significant difference in convincing a character to agree to a plan or to force information from a captured enemy.
Sub-Routines are important abilities a Transformer is granted by their Function, defining perhaps the most important advantages they possess. Each is unique in what it does, making them significant to how well a character performs in their purpose.
Hit Points
Hit Points are the abstraction of how much damage a character can take. At each Function Level characters gain a random addition to their Hit Point total, applying their Courage Tech Spec Modifier to the roll. ONce reduced, Hit Points can only be restored through repairs.
Energon Points
Energon Points represent how much Energon a character is capable of storing. Each Energon Point is capable of performing a variety of things, from preventing a point of damage to augmenting rolls. Additionally, some of the more powerful Sub-Routines and Upgrades a character may take require Energon Points to use. At each Function Level characters gain a random addition to their Energon Point total, applying their Endurance Tech Spec Modifier to the roll. Once depleted, Energon Points may only be restored by consuming more Energon.
Weapon Proficiencies
Each Function has the ability to mount different types of Weapons, as determined by their Armament Proficiencies. Characters may only take Armaments they are proficient with, though they may still use other Weapons but with a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
Program Slots
Character are able to execute a variety of Programs, each giving them a different ability. How well they may execute a Program is largely dependant on how many Program Slots they have devoted to it. At each Function Level, a character gains a number of Program Slots based on their Function to apply to their Program selection. Each Slot gains a character either 1 Level in a Program for Function-Programs or 0.5 Levels for Cross-Function-Programs. The maximum Levels they may have in a Function-Program is equal to their Character Level plus 3, while the maximum Levels a character may have in a Cross-Function-Program is equal to half that amount.
Characters who choose a second Function instead of increasing their Level in their current Function are called Multi-Function Characters. The benefits of each of their functions are added together to determine their total base Modifiers for each aspect of of their character.
Additionally, as a character advances in Character Level, they gain the following advantages:
Second only to Sub-Routines are Upgrades in defining what it is that a character is capable of. Each Upgrade is a unique advantage a character adds to their arsenal, allowing them to perform another feat that others could not. Every 3 Character Levels a character gains entitles them to an additional Upgrade.
Favored Tech Spec Increases
Each Function tends towards a different Tech Spec. Beginning at 2nd Level, a character gains a +1 increase to a Tech Spec favored by their Function, and continues to gain a +1 increase for every 4 Character Levels afterwards (i.e. at 6th, 10th, 14th, and so on). Which Tech Spec increases depends on which Function is taken when the Tech Spec increase comes up. For example, if a character is a Warrior Level 5 and then becomes a Commander at 6th Level, they would gain a +1 to their Rank Tech Spec (the Favored Tech Spec of the Commander Function). If their Favored Tech Spec is already at 10 when they gain an increase to it they may instead add this increase to a Tech Spec of their choice.
Tech Spec Increases
As a character gains Levels, their Tech Specs likewise increase. For every 4 Character Levels a character gains they may increase one of their Tech Specs by 1 point. Tech Specs may never exceed a score of 10.
As characters progress in Character Level, so do their flaws. They tend to become more set in their ways, opening themselves to weaknesses, or get themselves into bad situations with no quick escape. For every 5 Character Levels a character gains they may take an additional Defect. Each time they do they gain an additional Upgrade.
The first Function a character chooses is very definitive of their overall purpose. Even if they never progress further in that Function, their general functionality is forever marked by where it began.
Starting Characters gain the following advantages beyond those for normally gaining a Function Level:
- Maximum Hit Points: Rather than rolling for how many Hit Points a character gains, they instead gain the maximum amount possible for their Hit Die. For example, a Function with d8 for Hit Points would gain 8 Hit Points at 1st Level. Courage Modifier applies normally.
- Maximum Energon Points: Rather than rolling for how many Energon Points a character gains, they instead gain the maximum amount possible for their Hit Die. For example, a Function with d10 for Energon Points would gain 10 Hit Points at 1st Level. Endurance Modifier applies normally.
- Increased Program Slots: Starting characters multiply the normal allotment of Program Slots granted by their Function by 4. For example, a 1st-Level Scientist would gain 24 Program Slots instead of the normal 6.
- Bonus Upgrade: All characters begin with 1 Upgrade.
- Bonus Defect: All characters may begin with 1 Defect if they want to. if they do, they gain a bonus Upgrade, as per normal.
- Bonus Weapon: All characters begin with 1 Weapon Upgrade.
As characters accomplish goals and defeat opponents, they gain Experience. This Experience Total is what dictates what level a character is, likewise determining their Function Levels and defining their characteristics.
Consult the following table to determine a character's Level based on their Experience Total:
Experience Total |
Character Level |
0 |
1 |
1,000 |
2 |
3,000 |
3 |
6,000 |
4 |
10,000 |
5 |
15,000 |
6 |
21,000 |
7 |
28,000 |
8 |
36,000 |
9 |
45,000 |
10 |
55,000 |
11 |
66,000 |
12 |
78,000 |
13 |
91,000 |
14 |
105,000 |
15 |
120,000 |
16 |
136,000 |
17 |
153,000 |
18 |
171,000 |
19 |
190,000 |
20 |
If a character ever loses Experience, consult this table to determine if their Character Level goes down as well.