
Programs represent the various tasks a character may perform that require talent and can improve with experience. The measure of how good a character is with a Program is their Program Level. Characters increase their Program Levels by adding Program Slots to them. At each Function Level, characters gain additional Program Slots to spend on Programs, plus a number of bonus Program Slots equal to their Intelligence Tech Spec Modifier. For every Program Slot spent on a Program which is a Function-Program for that Function, they increase their Level in that Function by 1. For every Program Slot spent on a Program which is a Cross-Function-Program for that Function (in other words, not a Function-Program), they increase their Level in that Function by 0.5. The maximum Level a Function-Program may be is equal to a character's Character Level plus 3, and half this amount for Cross-Function-Program Levels.

Using Programs
Like all rolls in the d20 System, the success or failure of the use of a Program is determined by a Check:

1d20 + Tech Spec Modifier + Program Level

This roll works just like an attack roll or a saving throw: the higher the roll, the better. Either you're trying to match or exceed a certain Difficulty Class (DC), or you're trying to beat another character's Check result. For instance, to sneak quietly past a guard, a character would need to beat the guard's Listen Program Check result with his own Move Silent Program Check result.

The Tech Spec unon which a Program is based is listed on the Program List and in the Program's description.

Time and Program Checks
Using a Programs might take no time, a round, several rounds, or even longer. Most Programs use standard actions, move actions, or full round actions. Types of actions define how long activities take to perform within the framework of a combat round (6 seconds) and how movement is treated with respect to the activity. Some Program Checks are instant and represent reactions to an event, or are included as part of an action. These Program Checks are not actions. Other Program Checks represent part of a movement. The distance you jump when making a Jump Program Check, for example, is part of your movement. Each Program description specifies the time required to make a Check.

Program Integration
Some Programs are capable of working together in certain situations, giving a bonus to one Program Check. For every 5 Program Levels in a Program which may be helpful for another Program Check, give that Program Check a +2 bonus to its roll. For example, a character might apply their Computer Use Program as an Integration bonus when making a Search Program Check to pile through a data-network for a piece of information. The GM decides what Programs may be applicable for Integration bonuses based on the situation.

Program List
These are the Programs characters may use. Each is listed with it's associated Tech Spec.

Program Associated
Tech Spec
Com Dem Eng Esp Rec Sci Sup War Cbt Mnt Srv Wrk Action
Analyse * Int F x F x x F c x x x x x Full
Balance $ Skl F F x F F x x F x x x x Movement
Climb Str F x x F F x x F x x x x Movement
Computer Use + Int x x F F x F F x x x x x Full
Construct + Skl x x F x x F F x x x x x Full
Demolitions * + Int x F F F x x F x x x x x Full
Escape Artist * $ Skl x x x F x x F x x x x x Full
Hide $ Skl x x x F F x F x x x x x Free/Movement
Instincts Crg F x x x F x x F x x x x Free
Intimidate -$ & Crg F F x x x x x x x x x x Standard
Jump Str F x x F F x x F x x x x Free
Knowledge % Int x x F x x F F x x x x x Free/Standard
Listen Int x x x F F x F x x x x x Free/Move
Move Silent $ Skl x x x F F x x x x x x x Free/Movement
Persuade & Rnk F x x x x F F x x x x x Standard
Pilot Skl F F x F F x F F x x x x Movement
Profession * % Int x x x x x F F x x x x x Full
Repair * + Skl x x F x x F F x x x x x Full
Sabotage * + Skl x F F F x x F x x x x x Full
Search Int x x F F F F F x x x x x Standard
Sincerity & Rnk F x F F x x F x x x x x Free/Standard
Sleight of Hand * Skl x x F F x x F x x x x x Move
Socialize & Rnk F x x F x x F x x x x x Free/Standard
Spot Int F x x x F x F x x x x x Free/Move
Survival * Crg F x x x F x F x x x x x Full
Swim Str F F x F F x F F x x x x Movement
Tumble * $ Skl x x x F F x x F x x x x Movement
* Use a Luck Save in place of this Check is used unprogrammed
+ Requires proper equipment to use
$ Apply Size Modifier to these Program Checks
-$ Apply inverse Size Modifier to these Program Checks
& Affected by Reputation modifier
% Is actually a series of separate Programs

Unprogrammed Checks
Generally, if your character attempts to use a Program they do not possess, you make a Program Check as normal. The Program Check doesn't have a Program Level added in because the character has no Program Slots in the Program. Any other applicable Modifiers, such as the Modifier for the Program's Associated Tech Spec, are applied to the Check.

Some Programs can be used only by someone who is not programmed with them. If you don't have the Demolitions Program for example, you just don't know enough about explosives to even attempt to use them properly. When a character attempts to make such a Check, make a Luck Save save instead, treating the result as the result of the Check.

Programs Checks Requiring Equipment
Some Programs simply cannot be performed without the proper equipment. For example, with a computer, you simply cannot make a Computer Use Check. Likewise, without explosives, you cannot make a Demolitions Check. In these cases, the character simply may not attempt the Check at all. Other times a Check may be made significantly more difficult without equipment, but may still be attempted. For example, repairing a machine without tools is much harder than with the right tools, but not impossible. Attempting such a Check with substitute equipment applies a -4 penalty to the roll, while attempting such a roll without any equipment places a -8 penalty on the roll.