*Dinobots ---------------------------------------------------------- [11/14/00] THE BEAST MACHINES TECH-SPEC LISTING [11/14/00] ---------------------------------------------------------- *** Notes: [04/06/2001] : Added Rapticon and Terranotron [08/14/2000] : Conversion from the old ASCII list is under way. Also attempting to use frames and lots of anchor tags to help make the list easier to navigate. ***Usage It's pretty straight forward but in case you get confused this should spell things out for you. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Jetstorm {small jet} Function: Aerodrone General Group: Vehicon " I am not bound by the law of the land! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 8 8 10 8 9 7 9 8 The appointed general of Megatron's aero-drones, Jetstorm is the hotshot lord of the skies over the enslaved planet of Cybertron. Quite a talker, tends to engage in tactics of verbal intimidation. Headstrong attitude and less than modest personality often cause friction with the other generals -- but impressive combat abilities speak for themselves. Outfitted with various types of energy blasters and plasma bombs. Extremely swift and maneuverable in vehicle mode. Rather flighty, Jetstorm never touches land -- must convert into robot mode where he hovers over the ground. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- The dashed lines are separators and nothing more. The the name of the transformer followed by an optional curly braces. This is a basic description of which version of this toy it is. Next is the function; What their job is. And what subgroup/allegiance the toy is. The second line is that character's quote or motto. The third and fourth lines are used together. The first one is abbreviations (where needed) of a Transformer's attributes, and a numerical rating of each one from 1 to 10. Below is the rough translation of each one: Stren. = Strength (Physical Strength) Intel. = Intelligence (How smart they are) Speed = Speed (How fast they are in beast/vehicle/robot mode) Endur. = Endurance (physical durability) Rank = Rank (Rank on the command chain) Cour. = Courage (Guts / bravery under fire) Firep. = Firepower (How big is their gun) Skill = Skill (How well they perform their function) The remaing lines describe the Transformer's personality, weaponry, weaknesses, etc.. * Legal stuff: * The Transformers", "Beast Wars", "Beast Machines", "Machine Wars", "Autobots", "Decepticons", "Maximals", "Predacons", "Vehicons", and all codenames and subgroups listed are copyrighted by Hasbro and/or Kenner. -- The toys themselves are copyrighted by Hasbro, Takara, Banadi, Toy Box, ToyC, Kenner, and maybe one or two other companies I don't know about. * This list was produced for educational purposes only. And as an aid for other collectors who bought used Transformers at garage sales, flea markets, auctions, etc. and did not get the tech-spec card. * This list is not to be sold for profit or used in any other trade where this list is equated with money. I created this list out of the goodness of my heart and am not making a red (or green) cent off of it. The only thing I get is a warm happy glow knowing that others are getting the information they need. * This document is designed to be a "fan resource" and is not meant to infringe, defame, or otherwise 'do bad things' to the "Transformers" name. It is intended to be an archive and resource for toys and characters that are long out of production where locating such material may not be otherwise readily available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- == == == DINOBOTS == == == Table of Contents Name Function ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Airraptor {archaeopteryx} Surveillance / Sharpshooter Dinotron {pachycephalosaurus} Ground Infantry Magmatron {tri-dinosaur} Warrior Rapticon {velociraptor} Guerrilla Combat Specialist Striker {stegosaurus} Ground Combat Specialist Terranotron {pteranodon} Aerial Combat Specialist Triceradon {triceratops} Frontline Combat T-Wrecks {tyrannosaurus rex} Dinobot Commander ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== Airraptor {archaeopteryx} Function: Surveillance / Sharpshooter Group: Dinobot " When the enemy is in my sights, the target is still perfection. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 5.5 8.3 9.2 8.8 6 8.6 8.6 9.5 A pinpointing perfectionist, Airraptor is the most meticulous member of the Dinobot team. His attention to detail and eagle eye precision is a result of his former work as an interplanetary surveyor and navigator aboard the Axalon. Incredibly fast, capable of soaring up to 250mph. Characteristically dive-bombs or strafes a Vehicon detachment, usually flying past his targets before his ammunition makes impact. Though extremely dexterous, Airraptor's fragile wings are vulnerable to enemy firepower. Packs a quick deploying energy destabilizer pistol. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Dinotron {pachycephalosaurus} Function: Ground Infantry Group: Dinobot " Never let down your defenses... " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 7.5 6.3 4.2 6.8 5 8.6 7.1 8.5 Stubborn and surly, Dinotron is the most uncooerative of the Dinobots. Does not favor his new technorganic design, but is disgusted by Megatron's 'new order'. Diamond plated 'helmet' coupled with explosive speed send Vehicons flying. Giant tail can shatter a 20-foot concrete cube while titanium hide makes him resistant to most attacks. Tail weapon deploys into spinning blade attack that immediately carbonizes and disintegrates all alloys with which it comes in contact. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Magmatron {tri-dinosaur} Function : Warrior Group : Dinobot " Till all is won. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 10 9 10 10 9.5 10 9 10 Following an interplanetary quest for energy capsules, Magmatron returned to Cybertron to find an alarmingly growing population of Vehicon drones. Revered by his followers and reviled by his enemies, Magmatron is known by all as an "emperor of destruction." His determination to succeed is unshakable and he accepts nothing less than total victory. Mitotic spark allows for separation into three aggressive dinosaur modes: Landsaur, Seasaur, Skysaur then recombines into an unstoppable tri-dinosaur Fuzor. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rapticon {velociraptor} Function: Guerrilla Combat Specialist Group: Dinobot " I have no true enemies, because no one will stand against me! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 9.5 9.5 9 8.7 7 8.4 7.5 8.9 Size, strength, speed, and superior intelligence are all trademarks of Rapticon. As fierce and cutthroat in battle as he is with insults and one-liners, but Vehicons would much rather be on the receiving end of his verbal assaults than his physical ones. Reinforced tail can smash Vehicon weapons and bodies to peices almost instantly. Enhanced vision allows him to eye the enemy from massive distances and immediately identify weak spots in their formations. Sonic roar can cause permanent damage to Vehicon radars and sensors. Devises and executes ambushes and raids with unmatched precision and success. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Striker {stegosaurus} Function: Ground Combat Specialist Group: Dinobot " When I get you in my clutches, you're gonna need crutches! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 9 6.9 6.2 8.8 7.5 8.4 7.4 8.2 Striker is a frontline, one-robot wrecking crew. Incerdibly loyal to the Maximal cause. His hide is constructed of specially treated poly-alloy armor, and plates across his back serve as secondary energy receptors. His tail makes the most useful weapon: can cause seismic variations in the gravitational field by slamming it to the ground, sending Vehicons crashing to the surface at break-neck speed. Tail also contains unique grappling rocket, which penetrates all Vehicon armor. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Terranotron {pteranodon} Function: Aerial Combat Specialist Group: Dinobot " The future of Cybertron resides in the skies. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 9.8 8.7 9.5 7.7 8 7.4 8.5 9 Terranotron thinks very highly of himself, but he backs up his boasts when he's in battle. Loves it when the odds are against him. Takes on multiple squadrons of jet drones by himself, then follows it by plasma-bombing divisions of tank drones on the ground. Exterior alloy coating makes him invisible to enemy detection. Convinced that aerial strategy is the key to defeating the Vehicons, and argues the point constantly with ground-based Maximals. The friction fades when they enter battly though -- he may be a hotshot, but he's always a team fighter in combat. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Triceradon {triceratops} Function: Frontline Combat Group: Dinobot " It's better to have stood your ground and lost than never to have stood at all. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 9 6.3 5.9 6.8 9 9.6 7.1 8.5 Though not incredibly bright, Triceradon was chosen to be second-in-command based on his amiable nature and incredible strength in battle. As an iron-hided triceratops, Triceradon's horns generate reverse electro fields that render his enemies paralyzed. Stores two reactonix grenades in his tail. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- T-Wrecks {tyrannosaurus rex} Function: Dinobot Commander Group: Dinobot " The quickest way of ending a war is to win it! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 10 8.3 6.9 6.8 9 7.6 7.1 8.5 As a strong defender of the Maximal cause, this former attack specialist stationed in sector 17 of the Mirtonian constellation has returned to Cybertron. Reformatted into the charismatic Dinobot platoon commander, T-Wrecks, his fellow Maximals bestowed him the nickname 'Big Rex' as a testament to his powerhouse presence on the battlefield. Serrated steel jaws can snap most materials in two, acidic breath instantly corrodes most alloys and dual hip-mounted launchers fire air-imploding projectiles. ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====