*Autobots ---------------------------------------------------------- [08/22/00] THE MACHINE WARS TECH-SPEC LISTING [08/22/00] ---------------------------------------------------------- *** Notes: [02/04/1998] Final revsion of actual specs. ------------------------------------------------------ * Reading the spec list: It's pretty straight forward but in case you get confused this should spell things out for you. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Megatron Function: Commander Group: Decepticon " Prepare for oblivion! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 Megatron once again "takes to the skies in disguise" in his latest aerial-attack configuration. Body armor composed of stealth deflector shields that allow for invisible attacks on Autobot enemies. Twin turbo thrusters rocket him to speeds of up to 600mph in less than 17 seconds. In robot or vehicle mode, this evil commander is one of the worst threats in the universe. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- The dashed lines are separators and nothing more. The the name of the transformer followed by an optional curly braces. This is a basic description of which version of this toy it is. Next is the function; What their job is. And what subgroup/allegiance the toy is. The second line is that character's quote or motto. The third and fourth lines are used together. The first one is abbreviations (where needed) of a Transformer's attributes, and a numerical rating of each one from 1 to 10. Below is the rough translation of each one: Stren. = Strength (Physical Strength) Intel. = Intelligence (How smart they are) Speed = Speed (How fast they are in beast/vehicle/robot mode) Endur. = Endurance (physical durability) Rank = Rank (Rank on the command chain) Cour. = Courage (Guts / bravery under fire) Firep. = Firepower (How big is their gun) Skill = Skill (How well they perform their function) The remaing lines describe the Transformer's personality, weaponry, weaknesses, etc.. * Legal stuff: * "The Transformers", "Beast Wars", "Beast Machines", "Machine Wars", "Autobots", "Decepticons", "Maximals", "Predacons", "Vehicons", and all codenames and subgroups listed are copyrighted by Hasbro and/or Kenner. -- The toys themselves are copyrighted by Hasbro, Takara, Banadi, Toy Box, ToyC, Kenner, and maybe one or two other companies I don't know about. * This list was produced for educational purposes only. And as an aid for other collectors who bought used Transformers at garage sales, flea markets, auctions, etc. and did not get the tech-spec card. * This list is not to be sold for profit or used in any other trade where this list is equated with money. I created this list out of the goodness of my heart and am not making a red (or green) cent off of it. The only thing I get is a warm happy glow knowing that others are getting the information they need. * This document is designed to be a "fan resource" and is not meant to infringe, defame, or otherwise 'do bad things' to the "Transformers" name. It is intended to be an archive and resource for toys and characters that are long out of production where locating such material may not be otherwise readily available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- == == == AUTOBOTS == == == Hoist -=- Maintenance Hubcap -=- Damage Control Mirage -=- Counter Intelligence Optimus Prime -=- Leader Prowl -=- Security Sandstorm -=- Desert Reconnaissance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Hoist Function: Maintenance Group: Autobot " Proper maintenance prevents poor performance. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 8 7 4 8 3 9 6 7 Hoist believes every Autobot should operate at peak efficiency levels at all times, which means he's a stickler for proper maintenance of both internal micro-circuitry and external structural integrity. He's always prepared to tow an injured Autobot in for repairs. And if fired upon in the line of duty, he'll quickly convert to robot mode and battle back with a vengance! ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Hubcap Function: Damage Control Group: Autobot " You smash 'em, I'll trash 'em! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 4 8 8 7 5 8 5 4 After a fellow Autobot defeats a Decepticon in battle, Hubcap races in to haul the enemy away. He takes the debris back to Autobot headquarters where he salvages what he can from any surviving circuitry or undamaged armor. The rest of the parts he either recycles for scrap, or uses for his favorite hobby: target practice! ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Mirage Function: Counter Intelligence Group: Autobot " Like a ninja in the night, I strike swiftly and unseen. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 6 9 9 5 7 5 6 10 Mirage would rather be out hunting turbofoxes than battling for the Autobots, but he's an effective fighter and valuable intelligence gatherer -- that's why Optimus Prime keeps him around. Electro-disrupter alters physical appearance for up to six minutes. Invisibility within these short periods earned him his name. Remains unsure of Autobot cause, and can't be fully trusted. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Optimus Prime Function: Leader Group: Autobot " Freedom is the right of all sentient beings! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Optimus Prime is the bravest, strongest, and wisest of all Autobots. His role is to protect all life in the fight to defeat the Decepticons. This all-powerful leader features a cab section that converts into his battle-ready robot mode, while his back trailer section becomes a high-tech command station complete with two launchers and an arsenal of mega-missiles. His combination of intelligence and strength makes him a respected commander, and a feared warrior ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Prowl Function: Security Group: Autobot " Logic is the ultimate weapon. " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 6 8 10 7 7 9 6 6 Chief of Security for Autobot forces. Calculating, quiet and competent. Thought processors intensely logical. Enhanced racing design conceals sophisticated micro-circuitry capable of processing 30,000 bytes of information per millisecond. Loyalty and patience perhaps greatest assets. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Sandstorm Function: Desert Reconnaissance Group: Autobot " There's a bad storm, brewing, and I'm it! " | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill | 7 4 10 6 5 8 7 7 Sandstorm has adapted a new battle copter configuration... but can still scream across the desert wastelands like a turbo-charged fireball! Dual turbine engines make speed his greatest asset, and they also double as powerful laser cannons that fire air-to-ground laser bursts which explode upon impact. Watch out, Decepticons! ======= ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ======= *** For corrections / additions to the Machine Wars Tech-Spec listing, type it up and send it to: "Hex" http://w3.one.net/~hex/ You will (obviously) be given credit for your work. This file is considered freeware and is encouraged to be placed up for public downloading/FTP/etc.