CRYX: Warwitch Zerkova Testament of Toruk Blackheart Bart KHADOR: Kommander Kreoss Kaptain Baldur CYGNAR: Lord Commander Magnus Lieutenant Phinneas Shae Captain Gloria Haley PROTECTORATE: Ashlynn d'Elyse, Champion of the Renewed Faith High Scrutator Kreuger RETRIBUTION: Saeryn, Winter's Omen MERCENARIES: Irusk the Turncoat Allistar Caine, Assassin-For-Hire CIRCLE: Asphyxious the Ageless Janissa the Stoneshaper TROLLBLOOD: Greygore Boomhowler, Bragg Incarnate Gerlak Slaughterborn, Redeemed Warlock Horfar Grimmr, Rathrok's Return SKORNE: Painmaster Arkadius LEGION: Ravyn, Paragon of Everblight Gudrun, Prophet of Everblight Aiyana, Seeker of Everblight (with Holt, Blighted Duelist) MINIONS: Ravenmane the Undertaker Mulg the Atrocious CONVERGENCE: Forge Grandmaster Lucidia Voltaic Father Nemo