Paxton the Trailblazer (Wayfarer warlock) Fury 7 S6 S6 M6 R6 D15 A15 C8 W17 [Mighty Voulge]: P6, P+S12, Reach, Magic, Mercy Killer Hunting Call: R CTRL, Magic, Blood Lure, Bait the Line, Radiance Pathfinder Imm:Cold, Imm:Fire, Imm:Electric Arcane Precision, Resourceful Elemental Communion Awaken Spirit: 2, R6, Up Gatecrasher: 3 Phantasm: 2, R6, Up Stone Spray: 3, Spr8, P14, Crit KD Tag Team: 3, AOE CTRL, Up Feat - Bond of Nature: Friendly models beginning activation in CTRL gain Elemental Communion for one round. +5 WB