Optifex Statovos - 3pts (living priest of Cyriss wearing "cyclops" helmet, with coils on back and two-handed ray-gun; insulated cloak; Stormsmith gone rogue) S6 S5 M4 R6 D13 A14 W5 C8 Focus 4 Static-Discharge Emmitter: Spr10, P10, Magic, Electric Gunfighter Journeyman Warcaster Field Marshal (Immu:Electric) Lightning Tendrils - 3, R6, Up Shadow Pack - 3, CTRL, Up Iron Enumerator Statovos (medium-based column-like vessel, free-rotating "cyclops" eye, tripod legs, coils jutting out, three thin arms with under-slung guns and small claws; insulated cloak) S6 S6 M5 R6 D14 A16 W15 C8 Focus 6 Static-Discharge Cannon x3: R10, P13, Magic, Electric, Thunderbolt Gunfighter, Construct Clockwork Vessel, Repairable Circular Vision, Steady Empowered, Insulated Frame Field Marshal (Immu:Electric) Disruption Field - 2, R6, Up Electrify - 2, R6, Up Lightning Tendrils - 3, R6, Up Shadow Pack - 3, CTRL, Up Wind Rush - 2 Feat - Static Release: All models currently in CTRL suffer a POW10 electric damage roll. +5 Warjack Points Iron Enumerator Operations Conductor - 3pts FA2 (medium-based clockwork vessel with multiple legs, normal torso, two normal arms and one smaller one) S6 S8 M6 R5 D14 A16 W8 C10 Mechanoflail: P5, P+S13, Chain Weapon, Beatback Construct, Commander Clockwork Vessel, Repairable Martial Discipline, Steady Battle Wizard Magic Ability 7 * Arcantrik Bolt: R10, P12 * Perpetual Motion: Friendly models with Construct currently within CMD may immediately move 1". Perpetuator - 5pts FA1 Prototype Light Vector (wheel-like vector) S7 S8 Mx Rx D13 A16 [2,4,4,4,4,2][Hx3,Ix3,Mx4] Galvanic Projector (H): R6, P12, Electric, Power Up Serrated Propulsion Drive: P6, P+S14 Immu:Electric Virtuoso, Sprint Threshing Blades, Crusher Mediator - 6pts FA1 Prototype Light Vector (dual helicopter blades on shoulders, small underside gun) S7 S7 Mx Rx D14 A15 [3,4,3,3,4,3][Hx4,Ix4,Mx4] Supplemental Propulsion Blades: P5, P+S12, Reach, Grinding Wheel, Rear Attack, Thresher (*Attack) Ablative Slug Accelerator (H): R5, P9, Armor Piercing (*Attack) Flight, Range Finder Extended Induction Range (may receive and pass focus via induction at +3" range)