Lich Lord Fulmenus S7 S4 M5 R0 D16 A12 C8 W15 FOCUS 8 Incorporeal, Undead Field Marshal [Poltergeist] Cull Soul, Black Mantle Collect (This model gains a corpse token for each friendly warrior model destroyed by an enemy attack, continuous effect, or collateral damage in it's CTRL. At the beginning of your turn, gain one focus point for each corpse token, then remove these tokens from this model.) Deadweight: 2, R8, P12 Energizer: 1-3, AOE CTRL Excarnate: 3, R10, P13 Hollow: 2, R6, Up Last Stand: 2, R6, Up Mockery of Life: 2, R CTRL Wall of Steel: 2, AOE CTRL, Up Feat - Death's Embrace: Friendly models currently in CTRL gain Dark Shroud until the end of the turn. For one round, while in CTRL, models in this model's battlegroup gain Blood-Quenched and Killing Spree, and their melee weapons gain Beatback Lunge. +5 Warjack Points, Medium-base