Lich Lord Mortenebra S6 S7 M6 R5 D15 A16 C9 W18 FOCUS 7 Needlers x2: R11, P11, Burst Fire Lich Claws x2: P6, P+S13, Magic Undead, Pathfinder Cull Soul, Steady Field Marshal [Dependable] (Models with Dependable do not suffer the effects of crippled systems) Dismantle Countermeasure: 2, R6, Up Engine of Destruction: 2 Guided Fire: 3, CTRL Hot Shot: 2, R6, Up Locomotion: 1-3, R6 Tow: 2, Up Feat - Realignment: Models in this model's battlegroup in CTRL immediately gain 1 focus point and Reposition. While in CTRL, friendly faction warriors in gain Sprint and Gun-and-Run. This feat lasts for one round. +1 Warjack Points, Medium-base (Character Bonejack) S6 S9 M6 R5 D13 A16 Bite: P4, P+S13, Assimilation Arc Node, Pathfinder Attached, Companion Steady Dismantle Repair[9] (*Action) Crane (*Action) Power Booster (*Action): R5