Darma G'raece, The Blackened Rose (Pistol Wraith Amethyst Rose Warcaster) S6 S5 M5 R7 D15 A13 C7 W16 FOCUS 6 Wraithlock Pistols x2: R10, P12, Magic Undead, Gunfighter, Incorporeal Body Count Chain Attack - Smite Deadeye: 2, R6 Deadweight: 2, R8, P12, Off Guided Fire: 3 Phantasm: 2, R6, Up Feat - Staccato Morte: For one turn, while in CTRL friendly faction models gain Sniper, and their ranged weapons gain Black Penny and Magic Weapon. When affected models destroy an enemy model with an attack they may deal 1 damage point to an enemy model within 4" of the model destroyed. +5 Warjack Points Ideal forces: Leviathan, Kraken, Defiler Revenants, Pistol Wraiths Satyxis, Soulhunters Skarlock, Warwitch, Withershadow