Lich Lord Tenebrus S7 S5 M5 R0 D15 A13 C7 W12 FOCUS 8 Incorporeal, Undead Ghost in the Shell (*Action) - R3. Occupy target friendly non-character warjack. Remove this model from play. Remove unspent focus from the occupied warjack. Ignores crippled systems. Warjack gains Battlegroup Commander with this model's battlegroup, Feat of this model if not used already, Focus Manipulation with FOC equal to this model, Spellcaster with this model's spells, and Focus Points on this model. May exit within 3" during Maintenance. Upkeep spells with Range Self expire upon exit. If Feat was used by occupied warjack, it may not be used by this model when it exits. May start occupying a warjack. If occupied warjack is destroyed, place this model within 3" before removing the occupied warjack from the table. Elite Cadre (Machine Wraith) - When a Machine Wraith gains control of an enemy warjack, it may activate that turn. If it does so, Machine Wraith must exit controlled enemy warjack at the end of that model's activation. Domination - 3, R10, Off Eliminator - 3, R8, AOE3, P13, Off Force Blast - 2, R CTRL, AOE* Gallows - 3, R10, POW13, Off Iron Aggression - 3, R6, Up Jack Hammer - 1, R6 Mirage - 3, R6, Up Feat - Into the Void: Models in Battlegroup currently in CTRL gains Incorporeal for one round. +5 Warjack Points, Medium-base Tactical Tip: This models activation ends when it performs the Ghost in the Shell special action. The warjack occupied in this fashion may still activate if it had not done so already this turn. Theme Force: Warjacks Incorporeal units, Bane units Incorporeal solos, Bane solos, Skarlock, Necrotech, Scrap Thralls Wraith Engine Tier 1: Machine Wraiths become CMD9. Tier 2 (three or more warjacks): Machine Wraiths do not have to be deployed at the start of the game. Instead, when a friendly warjack is removed from play, one Machine Wraiths may be deployed within 3" of the warjack being removed. Tier 3 (Wraith Engine): Friendly models may begin game affected by upkeep spells. Tier 4 (Malice): For each unit, one model with Soul Taker can begin the game with an additional soul token.