Lich Lord Thalassina S6 S6 M6 R6 D15 A15 C9 W16 FOCUS 7 Deadbolt: R13, P13, Magic, Ghost Shot Lich Claws: P5, P+S11, Magic, Poison Undead Cull Soul, Intrigue Field Marshal [Dodge] Incredible Presence (double size of CTRL) Befuddle - 2, R10, Off Calamity - 3, R8, Off, Up Distraction - 2, R8, Off Influence - 1, R10, Off Shadow Pack - 3, CTRL, Up Stranglehold - 2, R10, P11 Feat - Manipulations: Enemy models in CTRL may not make free strikes, and lose their initial attacks when beginning an activation. This feat lasts for one round. +5 Warjack Points, Medium-base Theme Force: Foreign Affairs Non-character Warjacks Mercenary units, Satyxis units Mercenary solos, Satyxis solos, Skarlock Tier 1 (): Tier 2 (): Tier 3 (): Tier 4 ():