Major E. Dominic Darius (large base power armor) S5 S10 M6 R6 D12 A19 C8 W24 FOCUS 6 Heavy Mace: P6, P+S16, Magic, Reach, Crit Stagger Assault Shield: P2, P+S12 Heavy Shield Cannon: R8, P14 Interface, Flak Field Field Marshall [Weapons Platform] Engine of Destruction: 2 Mobility: 2 Overrun: 2, R6 Patch Up: 1, R CTRL (remove 1 damage point from a model in this model's battlegroup) Reconstruct: 3, R6, Up Feat - Full Field Press: For one round, models in this model's battlegroup gain +2 SPD, Bulldoze, and Bushwhack, and their weapons gain Beatback. +5 Warjack Points