CRS Agent Allister Caine Light Cavalry Warcaster (duster and hat, two guns blazing, on a lean horse riding fast) S9 S6 M5 R9 D16 A14 C8 W18 FOCUS 6 Spellfire Carbines x2: R10, P13, Magic, Attack Types (Brutal Shot, Black Penny, Snipe), Both Barrels (*Attack) Mount: P10 Gunfighter Apparation, Steady, Field Marshal [Prowl] Blow the Man Down: 3, R8, P15 Bullet Dodger: 2, R6, Up Mobility: 2 Sentry: 2, R6, Up Feat - Cheating: For one round, while in CTRL, friendly Faction models gain +1 DEF. Negate the next damage roll against each affected model. When a damage roll is prevented in this way the affected model can be placed within 3"of it's current location. A model can only have a single damage roll prevented in this manner. +5 Warjack Points Ideal forces: Lancer, Hunter, Ironclad Rangers, Gun Mages, Trenchers Reinholdt, Squire