Captain Douglas Hines (Trencher Warcaster, young and capable but still learning good judgment) S6 S6 M6 R6 D15 A15 C8 W17 FOCUS 6 Scattergun: Spr8, POW12 Epitate: P6, P+S12, Magic Dig In (*Action) Smoke (*Action) Swift Hunter, Resourceful, Trencher Elite Cadre [Trenchers]: Tough Eliminator: 3, R8, AOE3, P13, Off Fail Safe: 3, R6, Up Hot Shot: 2, R6, Up Sure Foot: 3, R6, Up Veil of Mist: 3, CTRL, AOE4, Up Feat - Smokescreen: Enemy models cannot target friendly models in CTRL within cloud effects with ranged attacks, magic attacks, or charges. Enemy models with Eyeless Sight cannot draw Line of Sight into or through cloud effects in CTRL. Friendly models within clouds within CTRL gain +2DEF. This feat lasts for one round. +5 Warjack Points Ideal forces: Trenchers, Rangers Grenadier, Minuteman, Hunter Centurion, Cyclone, Ol'Rowdy, Gallant Jakes, Strangewayes, Finn, Squire