Giants: * Huge-base models with same set of rules as Gargantuans, except "Great Model" and "Ponderous" * Model type is "Giant" (not Warbeast or Warrior) * Not part of a Battlegroup * May gain a Fury to boost attack or damage, cast spells, heal, or make additional attacks * May make Power Attacks or charge without gaining Fury * Has Aspects, but no Animi * If Spirit is out, cannot gain Fury * Remove all Fury at the start of the turn * During army creation may spend points on Fate Points, at the cost of 2 Fate per army point spent. Each Fate can remove a Fury point from a Giant during it's activation Paragons: * Fill the same place as Warcasters or Warlocks, and are affected by any rule that applies to them * Have Fury around 5-7 * Have Feat, Spells, and Spellcaster * Have point cost around 5pts Design Concepts: * Army consists of a handful of models (3-5) plus a Champion (who functions as the army's caster) * The weakest model should be slightly more effective than a Battle Engine, and as durable as a top-end heavy warbeast * Average point cost should be around 10pts, ranging up to around 16pts for characters * Needs to be something to spend leftover points on, in a way that any model could use it meaningfully Base Giant: 10pts S6 S14 M6 R5 D11 A19 C8 M13 B13 S13 Fury2 P4, P+S18 Hyper-Regeneration Models: ======= Ajaxus, High Priest (Fury7) Hekor, Champion of Bemoth (Fury6) Drusyl, Great Mother (Fury8) Oulixes, First Ranger: 20pts S6 S15 M6 R6 D12 A19 C9 M17 B17 S17 Fury4 Hegad: R20, P16, Momentum Argosis: P5, P+S20, Magic, Armor-Piercing (*Action) Wurmfang: P5, P+S20, Magic Stealth Hyper-Regeneration Take Down Vengeance (Blighted) Ambush, Bushwhack Chilon, Roaming Scholar: 14pts S6 S14 M6 R5 D11 A18 C8 M18 B15 S18 Fury4 Fists x2: P2, P+S16, Open Fist Ballista: R12, P16 Hyper-Regeneration Nerox, the Blackened: 18pts S6 S14 M6 R6 D11 A19 C7 M17 B16 S18 Fury4 Burning Hands x2: P4, P+S18, Magic, Open Fist, Continuous Fire Column of Fire x2: Spr10, P14, Magic, Continuous Fire Hyper-Regeneration Fire's Fury, Righteous Flames Virtuoso Archer-Scout: 14pts S6 S14 M6 R6 D12 A18 C8 M15 B15 S15 Fury3 Hegad: R16, P16, Momentum Hunting Blade: P3, P+S17 Stealth Hyper-Regeneration Take Down, Snap Fire, Range Finder Skirmisher: 14pts S7 S14 M7 R5 D12 A18 C7 M14 B14 S14 Fury3 Punching Spike x2: P3, P+S17, Open Fist Hyper-Regeneration Acrobatic, Jump, Sidestep Take Down, Killing Spree Gladiator: 14pts S6 S15 M7 R6 D12 A19 C8 M15 B15 S15 Fury3 Gladius [R]: P4, P+S19 Gauntlet [L]: P2, P+S17, Open Fist Net: R10, AOE5, Knockdown, Catch Hyper-Regeneration Unyielding, Duelist Shield-Bearer: 10pts S6 S14 M6 R5 D11 A19 C9 M13 B13 S13 Fury2 Shield x2: P2, P+S16, Shield, Beatback Hyper-Regeneration Bulldoze, Unyielding Defender (as Shield Guard, except within 3" and as many times as desired in a turn) Priest: 10pts S6 S14 M6 R5 D11 A18 C8 M13 B13 S13 Fury2 Staff: P3, P+S17, Magic, Stagger Hyper-Regeneration Sacred Ward Magic Ability 7 * Rock Hammer: R10, AOE3, P14 * Force Wall Hoplite: 10pts S6 S14 M6 R5 D11 A19 C8 M13 B13 S13 Fury2 Spear: P4, P+S18, Knockdown, Set Defense Thrown Spear: R10, P4, P+S18, Thrown, Thunderbolt Hyper-Regeneration Notes from Monsternomicon: ========================= On Giants in general: Small party consisting of Leader, Shield Bearer, Archer-Scout, some Armored Subordinate Priesthood Speed 50ft (or 40ft) Hyper regeneration Earth Mother Blessings of Shebess Fight against the Serpent Enemy who spawned the Dragons Ajaxus: High Priest Call to Earth (possible feat) Great Maul Govan Oulixes: Ranger Hegad, huge bow Erdross tooth spear Argosis (Blade that can cut through any flesh) Super long range Vengeance (Blighted) Stealth Ambush Hekor, Champion of Bemoth: General of army All giants can fight because of him Fireproof (only giant who is so) Pilum Shield (knockdown & thrown) Doklos (sword) Sacred Ward Chilon: Scholar Killed dozens of Skorne and a Titan before being captured Not broken by the Skorne Paingivers