- Themes - 360 Vision Flight / Jump Prey Multiple attacks Rank-Odor (affects only living, -2 attacks when in 2") Short-distance for ranged attacks - Troops - Ants (D12, A12, reach axe with P+S12, Gang, very cheap; Weapon UA of medium-size Soldier Ants) Grasshopper (Jump, thrown javelins) Spitting Termites (Tunneling, SPR6, P11 acid) Flies (Rank-Odor, Flight, bite attack P+S) Bees (deathstrike sting P+S12 poison, Flight, Gang; remove models at end of activation) - Solos - Fly Trap (AD, Stationary, Chain Attach head bite) Egg Nest (AD, medium-based, fury to spawn lessers, perhaps with guards) Dung Beetle Scarabs (spellcasters with gnarled magic stick) - Lesser Warbeasts - Hornet (Suicide Attack) Cricket (Bounding Leap) - Light Warbeasts - Dragonfly Cenepede Blood-drinking Butterfly Tiger Beetle (Prey) - Heavy Warbeasts - Praying Mantis Stag Beetle - Warlocks - (Ant, spray attack of ant swarm) (Bee Queen) (Grasshopper, leap) (Horned Beetle, medium-base, gore attack, axe)