Fyanna, Fang of Everblight (as solo, but with longer hair with more spikes out arms) Fury 6 S7 S7 M7 R5 D16 A13 C8 W17 Longtooth: P5, P+S 12 (Chain Strike, Chain Weapon, Magic, Reach) Attack Types: Momentum, Reeled-In, Pull Pathfinder Prey, Evasive, Rapid Strike Befuddle - 2, R8, Up, Off Lock the Target - 2, R10, Up, Off Shadowmancer - 3, CTRL Stranglehold - 2, R10, P11 Feat: Apex Predators - Friendly models with Prey or Huntsman may immediately reassign their chosen model/unit. Until the end of the turn, models in this model's battlegroup gain this model's Prey. +5 Warbeast Points OR Fyanna, Will of Everblight (as solo, but with longer hair with more spikes out arms) Fury 6 S7 S7 M7 R5 D17 A13 C9 W16 Lash: P5, P+S 12 (Chain Strike, Chain Weapon, Magic, Reach) Attack Types: Pitch, Dismember, Beatback Pathfinder Prowl, Evasive, Rapid Strike Marked for Death - 2, R10, Up, Off Shadowmancer - 3, CTRL Solid Ground - 3, CTRL, Up Stranglehold - 2, R10, P11 Feat: Claws of the Dragon - For one round, while in CTRL, enemy models suffer -2 SPD & DEF, suffer -2 on attack rolls, cannot aim, and cannot make special attacks or special actions. +5 Warbeast Points