Nero, Pride of Everblight (Nephilim with hood and quiver of javelins, standing tall about ready to throw) Fury 6 S6 S9 M6 R5 D12 A18 C8 M7 B7 S8 Thrown Javelin: R10, P5, P+S14, Magic, Thrown Javelin: P5, P+S14, Magic, Reach Eyeless Sight Flight Beast-man: This model is a Warlock, but takes damage as a Warbeast. Suffers crippled Mind and Body. Cannot force warbeasts when Spirit is crippled. This model does not have the Commander advantage. Burning Ash - 1, CTRL, AOE3 Force Blast - 2, CTRL, AOE* Hot Shot - 2, R6, Up Savagery - 2, R6, Up Feat: Redirected Force - For one round, while in CTRL, damage rolls made by enemy models may not be boosted, and friendly models gain +2 ARM. +5 Warbeast Points Theme Force: The Chosen Tier 1: Nephilim, Grotesques, Succubus, Forsaken, Incubi Tier 2: Tier 3: Zuriel Tier 4: 5+ Nephilim Non-character Nephilim cost 1pt less.