Ursulus, Plague of Everblight (Spawning Vessel Acolyte Warlock with tentacles out bottom and shoulders of cloak, with scarf over mouth) Fury 6 S6 S6 M6 R4 D15 A15 C7 W17 Tendril x2: P5, P+S 11 (Life Drinker, Chain Strike, Chain Weapon, Mercy Killer, Magic) Steady Blood Bank (gain corpse tokens from living enemy models destroyed in CTRL, and friendly models destroyed by enemy attacks, continuous effects, or collateral damage. During Maintenance Phase may take corpse tokens from friendly models in CTRL. Corpse tokens turn into Fury Points on your turn after leaching.) Dragon's Blood - 2, R6, Up Rapid Infection - 4, R8, P12, Off, target living enemy warrior boxed is replaced with an Incubi Respawn - 3, R6, Up Revive - 3, R6 Feat: Bloody Summons - Spend any number of corpse tokens to bring into play one non-character lesser or non-character light Faction warbeast with Blood Creation and a point cost equal to the number of tokens spent. The summoned model is part of this model's battlegroup. Place the warbeast within 3" of this model. +5 Warbeast Points