Deacon Isan, Seeker of Truth Focus 7 S6 S5 M6 R5 D15 A15 C8 W16 Seeker Staff: P5, P+S10, Magic, Reach, Silencer Pathfinder Range Amplifier, Sacred Ward, Prowl Field Marshal [True Sight] Mercenary: Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate <Great Power> <Arcane Bolt: 2, R12, P11> <Sidearms: 2, CTRL, Up> Arcane Shield: 2, R6, Up Banishing Ward: 2, R6, Up Signs & Portents: 4, CTRL Sunburst: 3, R10, AOE3, P13 Feat - Knowledge is Power: For one turn, while in CTRL, friendly models gains boosted magic attack damage rolls, and this models spells cost 1 less focus to cast. Friendly warjacks currently in CTRL lose Disruption, gain 1 additional focus, may immediately shake effects, and may turn to face any direction. Isan, Bearer of Proof S6 S5 M6 R5 D14 A16 C7 W16 Lyssvyr: P8, P+S13, Magic, Reach, Guided, Dispel Apparation, Parry, Oath of Silence Field Marshal [Pathfinder] Death Ward: 2, R6 Hellmouth: 4, R8, AOE* Mortality: 3, R10, Off Star-Crossed: 3, CTRL WJ +5