Alchemist of the Golden Crucible Focus 6 S6 S5 M5 R6 D15 A15 C8 W15 Alchemical Sprayer: Spr8, Ammo Types (Alchemikal Accelerant, ) Rapier: P5, P+S10, Magic, Dispel Gunfighter Immunity-Fire, Immunity-Corrosion Alchemikal Mask, Prowl, Parry, Virtuoso Mercenary: Cygnar, Protectorate, Four Star Breath of Corruption: 3, R8, AOE3, P12 Iron Flesh: 2, R6, Up Quagmire: 2, R6, Up Tempered Metal: 2, R6, Up Feat - Alchemikal Warfare: While in CTRL, enemy models without Alchemikal Mask cannot make Special Attacks or Special Actions, and suffer -1 SPD & STR. Affected enemy models without Immunity-Corrosion suffer -3 ARM. Affected enemy models without Immunity-Fire suffer -3 DEF. As a cloud effect, affected models have their LOS reduced to 3", and friendly models gain concealment. This feat lasts for one round.