Klaur Blastbeard - 3pts (Ogrun Privateer) S6 S9 M7 R5 D13 A15 C8 W8 Bomb: R6, AOE4, P14, Crater Heavy Beatstick: P4, P+S13, Beatback Immunity:Fire Hit the Deck!, Dead Rise Death Blast, Point Blank Shot Merc: Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, & Protectorate Quohaat - 2pts (Idrian Privateer) S6 S6 M6 R4 D14 A13 C9 W5 Saber: P4, P+S10, Magic Jack Marshal Sacrificial Pawn (warjack controlled by this model) Drive: High Gear (+2SPD, may charge or run) Magic Ability 6 - Power Booster: R5 - Cinder Bolt: R6, P14, Fire, Continuous Fire Protectorate Partisan Merc: Khador & Protectorate Byron Craw (Privateer) S5 S6 M6 R6 D13 A14 C8 W5 - 2pt Thrown Harpoon: R8, P4, P+S10, Drag, Thrown Harpoon Thrust: P4, P+S10 Tough, Opportunist Unseen Entrance: may be deployed at start of any turn after 1st anywhere within 12" of a friendly model completely out of LOS of any model. Merc: Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate, Cryx Minion: Blindwater, Trollblood, Circle Fergeson Mole - 3pts (Rhulic Gunner-chassis with drill) S5 S6 M6 R5 D12 A18 Drill: P5, P+S11, Sustained Attack Pathfinder, Circular Vision, Opportunist Burrow (*Action) Gulgrenvolgulugken - 1pt S6 S4 M7 R5 D15 A10 C7 W5 Blades: x2, P3, P+S7, Chain Attack: Bleed Out (living model loses move or attack) Anatomical Precision Parry, Stealth Shadow Door Merc: Cygnar, Khador, and Cryx Gamak Redhammer - 2pt S5 S6 M6 R4 D12 A14 C9 W5 Heavy Wrench: P5, P+S11, Reach Dismantle Jack Marshal Jack Proprietor(Cygnar): May control Cygnar warjacks. Repair[9](*Action) Drive: Boosted Attack (inital attacks are boosted) Drive: High Gear (+2SPD, may charge or run) Merc: Cygnar, Searforge Kurk Strongarm - 3pt (Rhulic Warcaster solo) S5 S8 M7 R6 D13 A16 C7 W5 FOC4 Retractable Fist: R8, P12, Magic, Reeled In Mechanikal Fist: P4, P+S12, Beatback, Magic Mechanikal Sword: P4,P+S12, Magic Fearless Assault Journeyman Warcaster Rhulic Warcaster Spells: Merc: Cygnar, Khador, and Cryx Theme Force: Blackwater Connections Bartolo Montador Non-character Mercenary Warjacks, Rocinante Sea Dog Units Sea Dog Solos Lord Rockbottom, McNaile, Grogspar, Killingsworth, Ragman, Wrong Eye Tier 1 (models above): May take 1 unit of Black Ogrun Boarding Party; counts as Mercenary models Tier 2 (Devil's Shadow Mutineers): Tier 3 (unit of Black Ogrun Boarding Party): Tier 4 (3 or more warjacks):