Lead Vassal Romanov Focus 7 S6 S5 M6 R5 D14 A15 C7 W16 <Flamethrower: Spr10, P12, Fire, Continuous Fire> Holy Battle Wrench: P5, P+S10, Reach Field Marshal [Empowered] (weapons of models in battlegroup gain Magic Weapon) <Iron Sentinel, Dismantle> <Repair[9](*Action)> <Hex Blast: 3, R10, AOE3, P13> <Power Surge: 3, CTRL (warjacks in battlegroup lose Disruption and gain 1 focus point)> <Reconstruct: 3, R6, Up> Broadsides: 3, CTRL Force Blast: 2, R CTRL Shadow Pack: 3, CTRL, Up Feat - Miraculous Restoration: Each friendly Faction model currently in CTRL may immediately remove up to 10 damage points, may turn to face any direction, and may shake effects. Mechanik Kaptain Ilyana Romanov S6 S6 M6 R5 D15 A15 C7 W16 Heavy Battle Wrench: P5, P+S11, Reach Field Marshal [Aggressive] Guided Fire: 3, CTRL Unstoppable Force: 2, CTRL Warpath: 2, CTRL, Up WJ +5