Zu Incursion: ============ * Forces from far away continent of Zu starting an invasion of Protectorate, southern Cygnar, and outer parts of Cryx * Bound together by fear for those stronger than them * May take Totem Hunters as Faction models with FA3 instead of FA-C * May take any Minion model that works for Circle and Skorne Themes: ------------ Jungle Corpse tokens Agile and fast Moderate armor Stealth, Hunter, Prey, Huntsman Take Down Low model count Thrown weapons Sacrifices Abilities: ------------- Heart Eater Treewalker Stealth, Hunter, Prey, Huntsman Take Down Thrown Sacrificial Strike Finisher Spell Slave Black Arts Beast Master Types: ---------- Sauroxs (Totem Hunters) S6 S7 M7 R6 D14 A14 Pathfinder, Stealth, Fearless Zotex (Savage barbarian humans) S6 S6 M6 R5 D13 A13 Symians (medium-base ape-men) S5 S8 M6 R5 D12 A16 Fearless Treewalker Take Down Formalax (squat ant men) S6 S7 M6 R5 D13 A14 Pathfinder, Fearless Reform, Steady Kapoks (large-base tree men) S- S10 M5 R4 D8 A16 Stealth, Advanced Deploy, Fearless Strange Growth, Steady Tree-Croaks S6 S6 M6 R5 D14 A13 Pathfinder Amphibious, Treewalker Parselings (small base snake-women) S5 S6 M6 R5 D15 A13 Stealth Acrobatic, Steady