Troops: ----------- Symian Hunter-Killers x3-5 - 6/10pts FA2 S5 S8 M6 R6 D12 A16 C8 W8 Arquebus: R10, P12 Machette: P4, P+S12 Pathfinder, Fearless Treewalker Prey, Hunter, Take Down Symian Gladiators x3-5 - 6/10pts FA2 S5 S8 M7 R4 D12 A17 C8 W8 Serrated Club-Sword: P5, P+S13, Reach, Beat Back, Trash, Trip(*Attack) Spiked Shield: P2, P+S10 Fearless Cleave, Take Down Treewalker Symian Rager - 3pts FA2 S5 S8 M8 R4 D12 A16 C7 W8 Massive Club: P6, P+S14, Reach, Beat Back Fearless, Terror Killing Spree, Take Down, Unyielding Treewalker Symian Thundercrafter - 3pts FA2 S5 S8 M5 R6 D12 A15 C8 W8 Thunderboom: P8, R14, Magic, Electric, Thunderclap, Ghost Shot Eye of the Storm (*Attack): Models within 2" of this model suffer a POW 10 Electric damage roll. Fearless, Stealth, Gunfighter, Immunity-Electric Treewalker Champion Mutilator Lomacho - 6pts (Symian Character Cavalry Dragoon riding a Byhornasaur) S8/5 S9 M8 R7 D12 A16/18 C9 W10/8 Hooked Chain: R6, P13, Chain Weapon, Weaponmaster, Drag Gladius: P4, P+S13, Weaponmaster Mount: P13, Crit Pitch Fearless, Terror, Pathfinder Take Down Linebreaker, Expert Rider Weapon Platform Dragoon (when dismounted loses Pathfinder and Weapon Platform, but gain Treewalker) Parseling Sorceress Coven x3 - 6pts FA2 S5 S6 M6 R5 D15 A13 C9 W5 Ritual Blade: P4, P+S10, Magic Sacrificial Strike (*Action) Stealth Acrobatic, Steady Battle Wizard, Gang, Take Down Magic Ability 7 * Venom (*Attack): Spr8, P10 * Death Field (*Action) Parseling Executress - 2pts FA2 S5 S6 M7 R6 D15 A13 C9 W5 Executioner Axe: P6, P+S12, Reach Hateful Glare: Spr8, P12, Magic Stealth Acrobatic, Steady Take Down, Finisher Parseling Mistress of Dark - 2pts FA2 S5 S5 M6 R5 D16 A12 C9 W5 Beast Manipulation - Condition (*Action) Seduction (*Action) Acrobatic, Steady Dark Sentinel, Beast Master Black Mantle Lady Endbringer - 3pts (Parseling Character) S5 S6 M6 R6 D15 A14 C10 W5 Death Stare: R10, P10, Magic, Annihilating Gaze, Black Penny Stealth, Gunfighter Acrobatic, Steady Death Shroud, Spell Ward True Sight Formalax Guard x6-10 - 6/10pts FA2 S6 S7 M6 R4 D13 A14 C9 Heavy Pike: P5, P+S12, Reach, Set Defense Pathfinder, Fearless Gang, Vengeance, Defensive Line Reform, Steady Formalax Cell x6-10 - 6/10pts FA1 S6 S7 M7 R4 D13 A13 C9 Combat Knife: P3, P+S10 Pathfinder, Fearless Bond of Brotherhood, Self-Sacrifice Reform, Steady Formalax Drones x6 - 4pts FA3 S6 S7 M5 R4 D12 A12 C7 Claws: P2, P+S9 Pathfinder, Fearless Combined Melee Attack Shield Guard Reform, Steady Formalax Saboteurs x6 - 6pts FA2 S6 S7 M6 R6 D13 A14 C8 Acidic Spit: R6, P12, Corrosion, Erosion Pathfinder, Fearless Gunfighter, Immunity-Corrosion Reform, Steady Tunneling (Order) Princess K'lokolota - 3pts (Formalax Unit Character UA) S7 S7 M7 R5 D14 A15 C10 W5 Royal Scythes x2: P6, P+S13, Magic, Reach, Weaponmaster Pathfinder, Fearless, Officer Veteran Leader [Formalax unit] Sacrificial Pawn [Formalax] Flank [attached Formalax unit] Granted: Ranked Attack Reform, Steady, Acrobatic Tree-Croak Sapper - 2pts FA3 S6 S6 M6 R6 D14 A13 C8 W5 Flosphorescent Gel: R8, AOE3, Beacon, Flare Combat Knife: P4, P+S10 Pathfinder, Stealth Jump, Treewalker Reposition Trapper (*Action) Tree-Croak Assassin - 2pts FA3 S6 S7 M6 R6 D14 A13 C8 W5 Blade: P5, P+S12 Dart: R10, P10 Pathfinder, Stealth Jump, Treewalker Hunter, Opportunist Tree-Croak Slingshot Crew x2 - 2pts FA2 S5 S7 M6 R6 D14 A13 C8 Heavy Slingshot: R14, AOE4, P12, Corrosion, Acid Bomb, Arcing Fire, Light Artillery, Range Finder Blade: P3, P+S10 Pathfinder, Stealth Jump, Treewalker Gobo-Dag, Bog Shaman - 3pts (Tree-Croak Lesser Warlock) S6 S6 M6 R6 D14 A14 C8 W5 Fury4 Sacred Staff: P6, P+S12, Magic, Reach, Dispel Toxic Dart: R10, P12, Magic, Corrosion, Continuous Corrosion Pathfinder Stealth Jump, Treewalker Field Marshal [Amphibious] Quagmire: 2, R6, Up Swamp Pit: 2, R CTRL, AOE5, Up Zotex Archeresses x6-10 - 5/8pts FA2 S6 S6 M5 R5 D13 A12 C8 Hunting Bow: R12, P10 Sword: P3, P+S9 Stealth, Pathfinder, Combined Ranged Attack Prey, Hunter Zotex Pirates x6-10 - 4/6pts FA1 S6 S6 M6 R5 D13 A13 C7 Pistol: R8, P10 Saber: P4, P+S10 Ambush, Gun-and-Run No Quarter (1/game) Captain Zaladana - 3pts (Zotex Pirates Character UA) S6 S7 M7 R7 D14 A14 C8 W5 Arquebus: R10, P12 Abyss: P7, P+S12, Magic, Grievious Wounds Officer Ambush, Gun-and-Run Granted: Opportunist Hit the Deck! Sucker! Zotex Cannibal Warriors x6-10 - 4/6pts FA3 S6 S6 M6 R5 D13 A13 C7 Knives x2: P3, P+S9 Blood Thirst, Sidestep, Gang Zotex Royal Guard x6 - 7pts FA1 S6 S6 M7 R5 D14 A15 C9 Polearm: P6, P+S12, Reach, Weaponmaster Fearless Sychronicity, Girded Greater Destiny (1/game) Team Effort (1/game) Zotex Sacrifices x2 - 1pt FA2 S6 S4 M4 R3 D11 A9 C5 Offering (*Action): Choose a friendly Faction Warlock within 3". This model may not be healed, the chosen Warlock gains one Fury point, and then this model is destroyed. A Warlock may only receive one Fury point per turn in this manner. Zotex Aerosaur Riders x3-5 - 6/10pts FA2 (Light Cavalry) S9 S7 M6 R6 D14 A15 C9 W5 Divebomb Missile: R7, P7, Power-up, Armor-Piercing (*Attack) Mount: P11, Crit Pitch Flight Jaguar War Chariot - 9pts FA2 (Cavalry Battle Engine) S8 S8 M6 R6 D12 A18 C9 W20 War Bows (L/R) x2: R12, P12, Snap Fire Claws (L/R) x2: P4, P+S12 Mount: P12 Heart Eater, Prey Weapon Platform, Trample Saurox Beast Driver - 3pts FA3 S6 S7 M6 R5 D14 A15 C8 W8 Bullwhip: P2, P+S9, Chain Strike, Beat Back Pathfinder, Fearless Duck, Jump Beast Master, Wild Communion Beast Manipulation - Enrage (*Action) Prod (once per turn when making a friendly Faction Warbeast in CMD makes a Threshold check, you may force it to frenzy automatically instead) Saurox Conquestador - 3pts FA1 S6 S7 M7 R6 D14 A16 C9 W8 Arquebus: R10, P12 Cutlass: P5, P+S12 Pathfinder, Fearless Finisher, Unyielding Call to Sacrifice [friendly faction warrior] Battle Plan: Reveille, Press Forward, Path to Victory Saurox Headhunter - 3pts FA2 S6 S7 M6 R8 D14 A14 C7 W8 Hunting Rifle: R14, P12, Decapitation Hunting Knife: P3, P+S10 Pathfinder, Stealth, Fearless Body Count, Hunter Saurox Consumer - 3pts FA2 S7 S7 M8 R4 D14 A15 C7 W8 Sickles x2: P3, P+S10, Weaponmaster Pathfinder, Stealth, Fearless Sprint, Blood Thirst Heart Eater, Bone Picker Saurox Hunt-Mistress - 3pts FA2 (UA for any Faction unit) S7 S7 M7 R7 D14 A15 C8 W8 Throwing Blades x2: R8, P4, P+S11, Thrown Blades x2: P4, P+S11 Pathfinder, Stealth, Fearless, Officer Huntsman, Virtuoso, Heart Eater Unit Deployment Zoma & Zobi, Sisters of Spellhunt x2 - 6pts (Saurox Character Unit of twin war mages) S7 S7 M7 R5 D14 A15 C8 W8 Warblade: P5, P+S12, Magic, Shadow Bind Pathfinder, Stealth, Fearless, Eyeless Sight Battle Wizard, Jump Connected (this model is always in formation) Magic Ability 7 * Hellfire: R10, P14 * Zephyr * Disbinding Kapok Lifebringer - 3pts FA3 S- S10 M6 R6 D8 A16 C8 W8 Seed of Rebirth: R10, P12, Magic, Fertilizer Touch of New Life: P4, P+S14, Magic, Reach, Chain Strike, Fertilizer Advanced Deployment, Stealth, Fearless Strange Growth, Steady Virtuoso Foliage (models within 2" of this model treat open terrain as forest) Kapok Runecarved - 3pts FA1 S- S9 M6 R4 D8 A16 C10 W8 Stab: P4, P+S13, Magic, Reach, Chain Strike Advanced Deploy, Stealth, Fearless Spell-Slave(*Action/Attack) Strange Growth, Steady Attached, Arcane Assist Foliage Kapok Scorchwood - 3pts FA2 S- S10 M6 R6 D8 A15 C5 W8 Burning Touch: P5, P+S15, Magic, Reach, Continuous Fire, Chain Strike Fireball: R8, AOE4, P12, Magic, Fire, Continuous Fire Advanced Deploy, Stealth, Fearless Immunity-Fire, Tough Strange Growth, Steady Entropic Field, Virtuoso Combustion (*Attack) Kapok Elder - 4pts FA1 S- S11 M6 R4 D8 A17 C10 W10 Dark Grasp: P5, P+S16, Magic, Reach, Chain Strike, Shadow Bind Advanced Deploy, Stealth, Fearless Strange Growth, Steady Restoration Foliage Magic Ability 8 * Arcane Bolt: R12, P11 * Puppet Master: R8 * Tap Spirit Yurk, Sapling Prodigy - 3pts (Kapok Character medium-base) S- S9 M5 R5 D9 A15 C8 W8 Stab: P3, P+S12, Magic, Reach, Guided Advanced Deploy, Stealth, Fearless Strange Growth, Steady Battle Wizard, Take Down Magic Ability 8 * Rift: R10, AOE4, P13 * Crevasse: R8, P12 * Tetonic Shift Bloodvine Tree - 5pts FA1 (Battle Station) S- S12 M6 R4 D5 A18 C10 W24 Tangleroot x2: P3, P+S15, Chain Strike, Shadow Bind Vine Snare x2: P3, P+S15, Chain Strike, Pull Blood Basin Blood Font (friendly Faction models within 2" of this model may remove corpse tokens from it to gain an equal number of corpse tokens) Heart Eater Restoration Foliage