Captain Tlatatat (Formalax Cannibal) S6 S8 M7 R5 D14 A16 C8 W18 Fury5 Claws x2: P5, P+S13, Magic Caustic Spit: Sp6, P13, Corrosion, Continuous Corrosion Pathfinder Steady Destructive Power Take Down, Overtake, Cleave Martial Discipline, Total Obedience Carnivore: 2, R6, Up Flesh Eater: 3, R10, P13 Parasite: 3, R8, Up, Off Feat - Creeping Death: Bring into play a Fire Ant warbeast pack within 3" of this model. During its activation this turn, these models gain boosted attack and damage rolls. +4WB, Medium-base