Emperor Xopotax S6 S8 M7 R7 D14 A17 C10 W18 Fury7 Scepter of Rulership: P7, P+S15, Magic, Crit Stagger, Smite (*Attack) Javelin: R10, P5, P+S13, Magic, Thrown, Thunderbolt Terror Aggressive Reaction Maltreatment Awe Blazing Effigy: 4, R8, AOE*, P14 Blood of Kings: 4 Death March: 2, R6, Up Hellfire: 3, R10, P14 Ritual Sacrifice: 2, R6 Soul Slave: 2, R6, Up Feat - Godlike Power: For one round, this model's spells cost one less focus to cast, and it's attack and damage rolls are automatically boosted. +4WB