Kleoptolema, the Relentless (Light Cavalry Warlock) (Zotex amazon riding a raptor, drawing a heavy bow with a flaming arrow) S8 S7 M7 R7 D15 A16 C8 W18 Fury6 Bloodflame: R12, P12, Magic, Weaponmaster, Fire, Continuous-Fire Mount: P12 Pathfinder Flank [friendly Faction warbeast] Steady, Resourceful Jump, Hunter, Virtuoso Countermeasure: 2, R6, Up Mobility: 2, AOE CTRL Preserverance: 2, R6, Up Rapport: 2, R6, Up Feat - Unflinching Resolve: For one round, while in CTRL, friendly Faction models gain +2 DEF, +2 ARM, Fearless, Steady, and Tough. +5WB