Warwitch Deathstorm - 11pts (huge horses, spiked wheels, and armored carrage; has warwitches flinging spells out sides as ranged attacks, and a tyrant commander driving it) S7 S10 M7 R7 D10 A19 C10 W22 Mount: P14, Knockdown, Trampling Hooves, Electro-Leap Scourge: R8, AOE3, P13, Magic, Knockdown Venom: Spr8, P10, Corrosion, Continuous-Corrosion, Magic Power Attack Trample Weapons Platform Stealth, Construct Soul Taker, Soulstorm Dread-Launcher - 9pts (tall armored bunker shaped like a giant skull on wheels, with trebuchet on top, soul cages on the sides, spikes on the exterior and two smaller stations for flinging buckets of fiery pitch; pushed around from inside) S4 S12 M5 R6 D7 A20 C8 W24 Dread Blast: R18, AOE5, P15, Magic, Arcing Fire, Minimum Range 8" Burning Pitch x2: R8, AOE3, P12, Fire, Continuous Fire Spiked Hull: P3, P+S15, Blood Reaper, Discharge Weapons Platform Construct Soul Collector